Minding Your Business

Expanding the Pie

We have all heard the old adage that to succeed we need to do one thing and do it well. That might be one formula for success, but it is not the only one. There are two main types of …

Expanding the Pie

We have all heard the old adage that to succeed we need to do one thing and do it well. That might be one formula for success, but it is not the only one. There are two main types of …

Need More Time’

Here are eight main ways for insurance professionals to save time in the hectic world today: Handle paper only once One of the biggest “time killers” is how paper is mishandled. Someone a while back came up with a system …

Are You an Insurance Professional’

Does your firm sell insurance or is it a firm that provides professional insurance services? That is not a trick question, it is a mater of focus and approach. Sure, we all say that we are professionals in what we …

Making a Producer an Owner

There comes a time for many agencies when the owner is faced with the decision on whether or not to make a producer an owner of the firm. Like most important management decisions, there is no correct single answer. Why …

Making a Producer an Owner

There comes a time for many agencies when the owner is faced with the decision on whether or not to make a producer an owner of the firm. Like most important management decisions, there is no correct single answer. Why …

It’s a Family Affair

Some business owners who are also parents might love to see their children become involved in the business and eventually take it over. Unfortunately, the idealized vision is difficult to achieve, usually because issues from their family dynamics can take …

So, What is My Agency Worth’

One of the more recurring questions we get asked as business consultants and appraisers is “can you do a quick and dirty valuation for my business?” Now we can appreciate someone asking for a ballpark valuation, however, a back of …

So, What is My Agency Worth’

One of the recurring questions we get asked as business consultants and appraisers is “can you do a quick and dirty valuation for my business?” Now we can appreciate someone asking for a ballpark valuation, however, a back of the …

Not too late for Agency Reviews

Even though we are one third of the way through 2002, it is still not too late to see how the agency has performed for 2001. There are no more excuses. The holiday season is gone, taxes are paid, and …

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