Minding Your Business

Management for the 21st Century

What ever happened to Total Quality Management (TQM)? Was it just another passing fad? Was it a concept that ended up on the trash heap of old management thinking? TQM has been around for a long time and will continue …

Management for the 21st Century

What ever happened to Total Quality Management (TQM)? Was it a concept that ended up on the trash heap of old management thinking? TQM has been around for a long time and will continue to be around for a while …

Management for the 21st Century

What ever happened to Total Quality Management (TQM)? Was it just another passing fad? Was it a concept that ended up on the trash heap of old management thinking? TQM has been around for a long time and will continue …

Making a Producer an Owner

There comes a time for many agencies when the owner is faced with the decision on whether or not to make a producer an owner of the firm. Like most important management decisions, there is no correct single answer. Why …

How to Retire from a Lifetime’s Work

Oak & Associates often provides advice to agency owners that are considering retirement. A common problem is that people in their 60s and beyond have devoted their lives to the job of running their business, often at the expense of …

Planning Ahead: How to Retire from a Lifetime’s Work

A common problem with agency owners that are considering retirement is that some individuals in their 60’s and beyond have devoted their lives to the job of running their businesses, often at the expense of personal enjoyment. They may find …

Customer Service at Its Best: Defining the’Perfect’ CSR

When asked to list the major strengths of their agency, most owners usually include the agency’s quality of service to the client. In the typical agency, the customer service representative is the foundation of good service. Logically, one can say …

How to Develop a Smart Advertising and Marketing Strategy

How do most agencies get new business? The answer is usually from referrals. Business generated this way is great—it’s already “half sold” and the new client’s perception of the agency, products and service is already high. The downside is that …

Preparing to Sell or Merge Your Agency

One of the most difficult decisions that an owner will have to make is whether to sell an agency or to merge with another party. For the typical owner, more time has been spent working and building up the business …

The Producer Dilemma Revisited: There are Solutions

Four years ago, we wrote an article for Insurance Journal that outlined what we called the “Producer Dilemma.” This article follows up on what has been a chronic problem of finding good producers for the industry and addresses some new …

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