Minding Your Business

Training Your Sales Dogs

Catherine just got a brand-new puppy for the family. In the course of integrating this cute little four-legged critter into its new environment it was interesting to note the similarity in training a puppy to bringing on a new salesperson. …

Training & Mentoring for the New Economy

The dust is settling and people are getting used to the new economy (which is not necessarily a good thing). It is clear that one thing is certain, and that is uncertainty. Many businesses now have lower revenue and less …

Why Agencies Might Need a Trusted Adviser or Coach

Many owners in agencies today have a lot on their plate. They may be having a hard time making the budget and paying expenses on time. Growing in these economic times is somewhat difficult. Producers may need to learn new …

Tax Consequences on Perpetuation Planning

Why It May Be Worth Exploring Your Selling Options in 2010 Most people who sell their assets of any type, including the stock they own in an insurance agency, will be subject to a minimum of 5% more tax if …

Taxes and Insurance Agencies

Strategies to Take for 2010 and Beyond We are all familiar with the old saying “The only thing certain are death and taxes.” From where we stand right now in 2010 it is clear that we will be taxed, however, …

Risks in a Bad Economy

Agents Take Note of New Errors and Omissions Exposures The current economic turmoil is wreaking havoc across the board. Businesses are downsizing or going out of business. Families are suffering from lost jobs and financial woes. The insurance industry has …

Trends for 2010

Soft Market, Economy, Taxes and the Producer Dilemma on the Frontlines for Agents To be proactive, one needs to understand and exploit current and future trends. Most trends can be predicated by understanding recurring cycles and applying that knowledge to …

Value versus Price

Understanding Agency Value and the Sale Price Correlation When it comes to anything in life, there is value and there is sale price. Value is a theoretical term that has different meaning based on the underlying assumptions. The sale price …

Doing More With Less

Steps to Ease the Stress of Customer Service Reps in Today’s Tough Times When asked to list the major strengths of their agency, most owners usually include the agency’s quality of service to the client. In the typical agency, the …

The Worst Ways to Manage Producers

Top Mistakes People Make When Managing Sales Producers One of the most difficult things agency owners deal with is motivating, training and keeping good producers to help the agency grow. In our experience working with hundreds of agencies and sales …

Minding Your Business Archives by Month