Minding Your Business

Agency Pains and What to Do About Them

10 Common Agency Woes and How to Fix Them The typical agency has at least a few persistent problem areas that never quite go away. At best these issues are addressed but not completely fixed. At worst, they are not …

Become a Systemized Agency

Systematic Processing Allows Producers to Do What They Do Best … Sell Catherine recently had a total knee replacement by an excellent orthopedic surgeon in Fremont, Calif. Dr. John Dearborn was recommended by two of our clients that have had …

Seminars Help Generate New Sales and Marketing Techniques

Catherine recently attended a CIC Ruble seminar on Sales & Marketing in San Diego, Calif. The instructors were all very good and their information was timely and useful. We thought we should highlight the great sales and marketing ideas for …

10 Rules for Family-Run Businesses

Family businesses can be a blessing or a disaster. The root of a well-run family business is grounded in treating it like a business, not as an extension of the family. Here are 10 guidelines for successful family businesses practice. …

How to Hire a New Producer

Hiring employees is a process crucial to the success of a business. Finding and keeping a good producer is even more crucial, since that person is responsible for growth in new sales. Therefore, the right selection and retention of a …

State Your Mission, Values and Vision for Success

It’s that time of year again; planning time for a great 2008! The key to effective business planning is to know what the end point will be and to point in that direction. Before any planning gets done the first …

Well-financed Buyers Lead Today’s Agency Value Trends

Fair market value can be defined as the price that a willing buyer and a willing seller agree on for the price of a business. Naturally, there is a lot of room for negotiation based on the circumstances. However, fair …

Five Trends for Agents to Track

In a poem written 2,000 years ago by Horace, he used the phrase “carpe diem,” which is commonly translated as “seize the day.” Although interpretations of this phrase vary, one interpretation can mean to take action and not let time …

Resolve disputes before they get out of control

If you have been in business for more than a few hours, most likely you have had some issue that potentially could have led to a dispute. We are all humans with our own unique experiences. Our thoughts, feelings and …

The good, bad and the ugly on owner compensation

Let’s put all the cards on the table right now. The amount of money one makes is directly proportional to the perceived importance or success of the person taking the money home. Sure, we all know better and there are …

Minding Your Business Archives by Month