Minding Your Business

The good, bad and the ugly on owner compensation

Let’s put all the cards on the table right now. The amount of money one makes is directly proportional to the perceived importance or success of the person taking the money home. Sure, we all know better and there are …

Mickey Mouse and the insurance agency

Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character that was introduced in a film called “Steamboat Willy” back in 1928. Walt Disney not only created this memorable character, he also created a new business system that helped launch his business from a …

Mickey Mouse and the insurance agency

Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character that was introduced in a film called “Steamboat Willy” back in 1928. Walt Disney not only created this memorable character, he also created a new business system that helped launch his business from a …

Working ‘on’ instead of ‘in’ your business

At a recent event in Aspen, Colo., Michael Gerber, the author of “The E Myth,” and “The “E” Myth Revisited” spoke about the importance of living our dreams. Gerber, now 71 years old, challenged the audience to release the “work” …

Working ‘on’ instead of ‘in’ your business

At a recent event in Aspen, Colo., Michael Gerber, the author of “The E Myth,” and “The “E” Myth Revisited” spoke about the importance of living our dreams. Gerber, now 71 years old, challenged the audience to release the “work” …

The secret of “The Secret”

It has been said, “those that can see what they desire, will have their dreams.” This is called the power of intention. This idea has recently gained a new revival catching hold across our nation, through a movie called “The …

The secret of “The Secret”

It has been said, “those that can see what they desire, will have their dreams.” This is called the power of intention. This idea has recently gained a new revival catching hold across our nation, through a movie called “The …

Business charters define how owners, family members work together

Have a problem with a boss? All you have to do is set up a meeting to discuss it and work it out. If things don’t change, then get the resume together and start looking for a job. Easily solved, …

Business charters define how owners, family members work together

Have a problem with a boss? All you have to do is set up a meeting to discuss it and work it out. If things don’t change, then get the resume together and start looking for a job. Easily solved, …

Minding Your Business

Executive risk exposures producers should know Every day, corporate executives are expected to make the perfect business decisions on all issues. Obviously, this does not happen all the time. The best one can truly expect is for the executives to …

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