My New Markets

April 8, 2013

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Contractors Elite
Market Detail: Blue River Underwriters offers a package policy including auto, GL, crime, property, and inland marine. Workers’ comp and umbrella for artisan contractors also is available.
Available limits: As needed.
Carrier: Unable to disclose, admitted.
States: Ala., Ariz., Calif., Ga., Ill., Ind., Kan., Ky., La., Mich., Miss., Mo., N.C., Nev., Ohio, Ore., S.C., Tenn., Texas, Utah, Va., and Wash.
Contact: Cricket Thomas at 702-208-9247 or email:

Buses, Including Chartered Vehicles
Market Detail: NAME offers auto liability, auto physical damage, ancillary, GL, and garagekeepers coverage. Classes include: for-hire accounts serving the public; certificated passenger carriers operating buses; mini-buses and vans.
Available limits: Maximum $5 million.
Carrier: CNA.
States: All states except La., Mass. and N.J.
Contact: Marni Sawicki at 877-242-7700 or email

Excess Workers’ Compensation
Market Detail: Midlands Management’s home office offers workers’ comp and excess workers’ comp coverage. Phone inquiries and brokered business accepted. Minimum premiums vary.
Available limits: As needed.
Carrier: New York Marine General Insurance Co.
States: All states except D.C.
Contact: Customer service at 800-800-4007.

Apartment Building Owners
Market Detail: NeitClem Wholesale Insurance Brokerage Inc. has an apartment house package, as well as coverage for flood, fire, tenant discrimination, liability, difference in conditions, loss of use and excess liability.
Available limits: As needed.
Carrier: Unable to disclose, admitted and non-admitted available.
States: Ariz., Calif., and Nev.
Contact: Customer service at 323-258-2600.

Products Liability
Market Detail: MacNeill Group Inc. CMGA’s products liability coverage protects manufacturers, importers, suppliers, distributors or retailers from liability resulting from a malfunctioning product that causes injury to a consumer or a consumer’s property. Coverage options include: optional general liability; design liability and/or vendors; product recall expense coverage; worldwide coverage; and claims made coverage, which is suited particularly to smaller, startup companies. Eligible risks include manufacturers, importers; suppliers; distributors or retailers, including those with risks with low sales; medical equipment; sports equipment; risks with vitamins, drugs or supplements; automotive; industrial; health fitness; new products and risks with claims.
Available limits: As needed.
Carrier: Unable to disclose.
States: Fla. only.
Contact: Customer service at 800-432-3072.

Social Service Agencies
Market Detail: Markel Specialty provides crime, professional liability, business income, accident and health, equipment breakdown, abuse and molestation, general liability, inland marine, property, umbrella, kidnap/ransom, and auto commercial-standard coverages.
Available limits: Minimum $500,000, maximum $5 million.
Carrier: Unable to disclose, admitted and non-admitted available.
States: All states except D.C. and Hawaii.
Contact: Customer service at 800-431-1270.

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