News Currents

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Florida and Louisiana take different paths on insurance woes Industry prefers government approach taken by Democrat Blanco over Republican Crist Florida and Louisiana are hurricane-prone states with similar property insurance problems, but their governors are taking wildly different approaches to …

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S.C. reforms workers’ comp fraud, injury reporting laws Legislation gets tougher with cheaters and closes state’s Second Injury Fund Employers who lie about what their workers do to save money on workers’ compensation premiums would face fines and prison time …

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Slow death for coastal windstorm bill in last days of Texas session In the waning days of the 2007 session of the Texas Legislature, marked by a tumultuous, unsuccessful struggle to oust the current Speaker of the House of Representatives, …

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Swingle named president of IIAT; Elbert and Branniff honored The Independent Insurance Agents of Texas introduced new officers for the coming year at its 110th Annual Conference & Trade Show, held in early June in San Antonio. The IIAT also …

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La. and Fla. taking different paths on insurance woes Florida and Louisiana are hurricane-prone states with similar property insurance problems, but their governors are taking wildly different approaches to fixing the insurance headaches. Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, a Republican, has …

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Swingle named president of IIAT; Elbert and Branniff honored The Independent Insurance Agents of Texas introduced new officers for the coming year at its 110th Annual Conference & Trade Show, held in early June in San Antonio. The IIAT also …

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Study: Calif. workers’ comp reforms are working Yet risk managers say keeping workers safe and costs down still major concerns California employers and insurers have started to see — and should continue to see — significant results from workers’ compensation …

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Calif. commissioner seeks additional workers’ comp reforms California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner said even after the workers’ compensation reforms of 2005, there still are systemic and structural deficiencies in the system. Thus, he ordered the state Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating …

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Calif. permanent disability cuts ruled invalid A Workers Compensation Appeals Board judge has invalidated California’s rating schedule that cut injured workers’ permanent disability compensation. According to the California Applicant Attorneys Association, Judge Jacqueline Duncan ruled in Scott Boughner vs. Comp …

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Washington Insurance Fair Conduct Act becomes law Insurance industry associations are criticizing Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire for signing into law the Insurance Fair Conduct Act, a measure they say will raise insurance costs. The law, which will take effect on …

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