On The Street

Sharkproof part 3 – Influence

Commentary: Newton’s Third Law

Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion — “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” — wouldn’t appear to have much to do with the insurance industry. If the Street thinks about it at all, it’s probably …

Is IT Happiness Just Around the Corner, or are Agents Waiting for Godot’

Samuel Beckett’s classic play “Waiting for Godot” involves two characters waiting for a third one who never shows up. Agents can’t be blamed for sometimes seeing themselves in the same situation when it comes to information technology (IT). This isn’t …

“Episode V-The Cycle Strikes Back”

When we last left our hero Luke Underwriter, he was riding high, having seemingly conquered the evil forces of the soft cycle that had not so long ago threatened to overwhelm the insurance galaxy, turning companies’ hard earned profits into …

Warren Buffett-A Very Special American Icon

Warren Buffet may be only the second richest man in the world (around $36 billion), but he gets almost as much attention as Bill Gates in the number one spot. His annual letter to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway has …

Is Carrier Solvency a Worry on Everyone’s Mind’

Carrier solvency is on the tip of everyone’s tongue. It is the one issue everyone in the industry has to be concerned about. It isn’t just the staggering record losses sustained by the industry from the 9/11 tragedy but the …

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