Parting Shots

Connect the Dots in 2005 and it Spells Government

Center stage will belong to Government in 2005. While it lacks the sizzle of themes from prior years–consolidation, convergence, digitization and hard market–it will have a more immediate and profound impact. The industry’s business practices and competitive landscape have long …

Connect the Dots in 2005 and it Spells Government

Center stage will belong to Government in 2005. While it lacks the sizzle of themes from prior years–consolidation, convergence, digitization and hard market–it will have a more immediate and profound impact. The industry’s business practices and competitive landscape have long …

Connect the Dots in 2005 and They Spell Government

Center stage will belong to government in 2005. While it lacks the sizzle of themes from prior years–consolidation, convergence, digitization and hard market–it will have a more immediate and profound impact. The industry’s business practices and competitive landscape have long …

Connect the Dots in 2005 and it Spells Government

Center stage will belong to Government in 2005. While it lacks the sizzle of themes from prior years–consolidation, convergence, digitization and hard market–it will have a more immediate and profound impact. The industry’s business practices and competitive landscape have long …

Connect the Dots in 2005 and it Spells Government

Center stage will belong to Government in 2005. While it lacks the sizzle of themes from prior years–consolidation, convergence, digitization and hard market–it will have a more immediate and profound impact. The industry’s business practices and competitive landscape have long …

Traditional London Market Braces for Hurricane Spitzer

QUOTE:For London, the effects will be every bit as profound as in New York. This will impact every underwriter in Lloyd’s and most in London, given the distribution chain they inhabit. There’s still some sense of disbelief over here in …

Hurricane Spitzer to Take London by Storm

There’s still some sense of disbelief over here in London at the moment. Hurricane Spitzer seems to have struck New York full on, but the hope that it may not hurt London too much is palpable. The thinking goes that …

Hurricane Spitzer to Take London by Storm

There’s still some sense of disbelief here in London at the moment. Hurricane Spitzer seems to have struck New York full on, but the hope that it may not hurt London too much is palpable. The thinking goes that whilst …

Oklahoma Looks Ahead, Celebrates Those Who Served Before

With any luck, by the time you read this, it will be out of date. Why? I hope Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry will have appointed a new insurance commissioner for the Sooner State. One thing that will not change regardless …

SMART: An Opportunity to Re-Energize States

Through the State Modernization And Regulatory Transparency Act (SMART Act), Congressmen Michael Oxley (R-Ohio), and Richard Baker (R-La.), have made a creative initial proposal to re-energize state insurance regulation based on principles of competition and uniformity. It is important to …

Parting Shots Archives by Month