Parting Shots

Nonadmitted Markets Open Options for Homeowners

Even before Charley and Frances, insurers were fleeing the homeowners market for high-risk properties at an alarming pace. Over the last several years, large catastrophe and mold losses have caused a number of insurers to dramatically trim, and in many …

Successful Agencies Build on Management Systems

Ask adults what they like most about McDonald’s fast food restaurants, and it probably won’t be the food, especially in our increasingly health conscious society. What they like most is that wherever they are—whether heading home after a kid’s soccer …

Successful Agencies Build on Management Systems

Creating the right mix of hardware and software can help agencies using any management system to—as the name says—better manage their agency. Ask adults what they like most about McDonald’s fast food restaurants, and it probably won’t be the food, …

Successful Agencies Build on Management Systems

Ask adults what they like most about McDonald’s fast food restaurants, and it probably won’t be the food, especially in our increasingly health-conscious society. It’s the fact that wherever we are—whether heading home after a kid’s soccer game or 2,000 …

Successful Agencies Build on Management Systems

Ask adults what they like most about McDonald’s fast food restaurants, and it probably won’t be the food, especially in our increasingly health-conscious society. It’s the fact that wherever we are—whether heading home after a kid’s soccer game or 2,000 …

Clearing Up Guaranty Fund Obligations

On June 28, 2004, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell signed Senate Bill 815 into law. Now known as “Act 46,” the law amends the Pennsylvania’s Insurance Department Act to address the treatment of commercial lines large deductible policies in insurance company …

New Laws Clarify Guaranty Fund Obligations

Policyholders in insurer-funded programs were concerned that they might have to pay twice—some had originally posted large amounts of collateral and were now being requested to pay again. On June 28, 2004, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell signed Senate Bill 815 …

AIK Comp: Kentucky’s Enron’

AIK Comp’s precarious financial situation in Kentucky should serve as a wake-up call for the workers’ compensation group self-insurance market in the Bluegrass State. Lawmakers and regulators in Kentucky need no greater signal than AIK’s recent revelation of its $53 …

No Instruction Book for Dealing With Employee Theft

No matter what your position in business—small business owner, supervisor, manager, or president of a Fortune 500 company—if you have employees under you, you undoubtedly will at some point, be personally affected by theft or embezzlement by an employee. There …

Are You Stuck with Your Head in the Sand’

You have probably seen property values in your community rise considerably over the last several years. As a seasoned insurance agent you know that market value is different than replacement value, but you still have an unsettled feeling about the …

Parting Shots Archives by Month