Parting Shots

Big Hammer, Small Nail: Small Contractors and Workers’ Comp

Some contractors are forgoing coverage altogether and sometimes find themselves shut down by state investigators enforcing rules on proper insurance protection. Small contractors struggling with workers’ compensation coverage may feel like a guy with a one-pound hammer trying to knock …

Producers Caught in Multistate Surplus Lines Web

Surplus line producers have benefited greatly from the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Since the act’s passage in 1999, most states have amended their laws to allow for nonresident licenses for surplus line producers. These producers can now, in most cases, eliminate the …

Multistate Surplus Line Business Presents Many Challenges

Surplus line producers have benefited greatly from the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Since the act’s passage in 1999, most states have amended their laws to allow for nonresident licenses for surplus line producers. These producers can now, in most cases, eliminate the …

Is Market Conduct Reform Finally on the Horizon’

As baseball immortal Yogi Berra is often fond of saying, “It ain’t over until it’s over.” This particular “Yogi-ism” somehow seems apropos when one considers recent discussions among the insurance industry, state legislators, insurance regulators and consumer representatives over how …

Oklahoma’s 2004 Legislative Session Marked by Successes and Frustration

The 2004 session of the Oklahoma legislature was unusual. It was marked by disappointment of missing an opportunity to address much needed reforms in tort and workers’ compensation issues and triumph regarding passage of regulatory reform and repeal of loss …

Is It Time to Take Your Agency Wireless’

Wireless can make sense because you can be mobile while still being connected to the agency’s network. Now the information is at the producer’s fingertips. The insurance industry seems to have embraced wireless communications for its method of out-of-the-office computing. …

It’s Real Time for Agency Technology

Real-time, security, download, paperless to the agent, multiple passwords, proprietary company Web sites, choosing an ASP—there is so much going on that it is hard to know where to start! Every day, independent agents make critical technology decisions. It is …

Is It Time to Take Your Agency Wireless’

The insurance industry seems to have embraced wireless communications for its method of out-of-the-office computing. It is a hugely popular means of transmitting data, with millions of wireless Internet subscribers’ worldwide and global revenues estimated in the billions of dollars. …

High Stakes for Mississippi Tort Reform

On June 3 Mississippi legislators were entering the third week of a special session called by Gov. Haley Barbour to consider comprehensive civil justice reform. They were back in Jackson just days after completing their regular session, and the early …

The Truth About Texas’ Homeowners Insurance Industry

Due to recent reforms the Texas insurance market is stabilizing and loss ratios in Texas are better. But while things are better, conditions are far from first-rate for insurance companies. There have been no real signs of “across the board” …

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