Parting Shots

Ethical Business Practices Essential to Success in Today’s Marketplace

Many insurance companies are discovering a basic truth. Integrity in business is more than just the right thing to do–it is critical to success in an increasingly complex and dynamic marketplace. When I look at where we are these days–investigations …

How to Choose the Right Bank for Your Agency

Choosing an agency-focused bank is one of the most important things you can do to help your agency grow and succeed. Independent agents or agency owners have unique financial needs. Unfortunately, few banks truly understand those needs. Worse yet, it …

As Insured Acres Increase, Are Farmers Subsidizing High-Risk States?

As a direct result of the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000 (ARPA), more farmers are insuring their cropland. Nationwide, insured acres have increased by 14.6 million acres and coverage increased by $12.2 billion over the past five years. In …

As Insured Acres Increase Are Farmers Subsidizing High-Risk States?

As a direct result of the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000 (ARPA), more farmers are insuring their cropland. Nationwide, insured acres have increased by 14.6 million acres and coverage increased by $12.2 billion over the past five years. In …

Ethical Business Practices Essential to Success in Today’s Marketplace

Many insurance companies are discovering a basic truth. Integrity in business is more than just the right thing to do–it is critical to success in an increasingly complex and dynamic marketplace. When I look at where we are these days–investigations …

As Insured Acres Increase, Are Farmers Subsidizing High-Risk States?

As a direct result of the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000 (ARPA), more farmers are insuring their cropland. Nationwide, insured acres have increased by 14.6 million acres, and coverage has increased by $12.2 billion during the past five years. …

A ‘Safe’ Way to Add Value for Your Customers

Insurance agents need to stand out from the crowd if they are to successfully compete for good clients. One easy way to do this also happens to be a great way to provide a useful service: Promoting safety and ways …

A ‘Safe’ Way to Add Value for Your Customers

Insurance agents need to stand out from the crowd if they are to successfully compete for good clients. One easy way to do this also happens to be a great way to provide a useful service: Promoting safety and ways …

Ethical Business Practices Essential to Success in Today’s Marketplace

Many insurance companies are discovering a basic truth. Integrity in business is more than just the right thing to do–it is critical to success in an increasingly complex and dynamic marketplace. When I look at where we are these days–investigations …

A ‘Safe’ Way for Agents to Add Value for Customers

By suggesting ways to make homes and businesses safer places to live and work, agents offer added value at little cost. Because of the seasonal nature of many risks, including hurricanes, wildfires, winter storms, tornadoes, hailstorms and certain other disasters, …

Parting Shots Archives by Month