Parting Shots

A New Day in Alabama for the Independent Agent

We have found not all members are knowledgeable about all of the programs we have available for them, which means they are not getting the full value of their membership in the association. It’s hard to believe that 2003 is …

The Hard Market’s Over … Or Is It’

Although I’ve been around the specialty industry for more years than I care to reveal (this information is in poor taste, akin to discussing a woman’s age), and now have seen multiple hard and soft markets, I’m confused. Why such …

Terrorism Insurance … We Can’t Risk Sitting On the Sidelines

Some have viewed this law as a bailout of a failed insurance industry; we believe just the opposite is true. When Congress passed the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) in 2002, some heralded the act as a panacea for providing …

Missing Perspective in Missouri

In the last year, policymakers have crafted more measured responses to political concerns about insurers’ use of credit information. Such a balance is lacking in the Missouri proposal. Property/casualty insurers’ use of credit information in underwriting and pricing automobile and …

Where are the Southeastern Commissioners on Rate Modernization’

For reasons that remain incomprehensible to me, some lawmakers tend to believe that they have a constitutional duty to meddle in rate filings. South Carolina Insurance Director Ernst Csiszar was the first to admit that he looked a little bedraggled …

Reflections from Rip Van Winkle

From 1979 to 1988 I had the pleasure of serving as executive V. P. of the Independent Insurance Agents of Arkansas. For the past fifteen years I have served as the lobbyist for the Arkansas Medical Society. When Kelley Erstine …

Workers Aren’t the Only Comp Cheats

Detection by front-line insurance company personnel … is often the first line of defense against workers’ comp fraud. Within the insurance industry—and even outside it—workers’ compensation fraud is typically associated with malingering employees who fake an injury in order to …

Agents View Insurers with the Same Critical Eye

Insurance agents in Connecticut and New York share similar views on insurance company performance overall. When the Professional Insurance Agents of Connecticut and New York State Inc. surveyed their respective members in 2003, these totally different groups of agents picked …

Workers Aren’t the Only Comp Cheats

Within the insurance industry—and even outside it—workers’ compensation fraud is typically associated with malingering employees who fake an injury in order to collect compensation and some paid “vacation” time. While it’s true that employee claim abuse is the most common …

Workers’ Comp Second Injury Funds: Going, Going, Gone’

SIFs are designed to reduce the financial impact of a workers’ compensation claim in the event a worker with a disability, injured on the job, aggravates a pre-existing impairment. Maintaining healthy workers’ compensation systems is a continuing challenge for states. …

Parting Shots Archives by Month