Parting Shots

Agents View Insurers with the Same Critical Eye

Insurance agents in Connecticut and New York share similar views on insurance company performance overall. When the Professional Insurance Agents of Connecticut and New York State Inc. surveyed their respective members in 2003, these totally different groups of agents picked …

Workers Aren’t the Only Comp Cheats

Within the insurance industry—and even outside it—workers’ compensation fraud is typically associated with malingering employees who fake an injury in order to collect compensation and some paid “vacation” time. While it’s true that employee claim abuse is the most common …

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Education benefits the next generation of insurance consumers. During my 34-year tenure in the insurance industry, I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard, “Don’t they understand?” It’s often a rhetorical question, uttered during discussions among insurance professionals, and …

Michigan Needs to Open Up Insurance Scoring Process

An ever increasing number of insurance companies are using your personal credit information—like billing history, the number of credit cards you have, and even the number of credit checks made by businesses offering you services—to determine what you will pay …

North Carolina Agents Team Up for Winning Model

I once observed a high school football program go 1-9 for two consecutive years. Then with the backing of the administration, a new coach was brought in who had been part of a successful program. With a new attitude and …

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Education benefits the next generation of insurance consumers. During my 34-year tenure in the insurance industry, I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard, “Don’t they understand?” It’s often a rhetorical question, uttered during discussions among insurance professionals, and …

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Education benefits the next generation of insurance consumers. During my 34-year tenure in the insurance industry, I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard, “Don’t they understand?” It’s often a rhetorical question, uttered during discussions among insurance professionals, and …

The Illinois Marketplace: Is the Future in Peril’

Illinois’ insurance regulatory environment has long been viewed by the industry and business community as the model for other states to emulate, and rightfully so. While every state or region has unique problems in certain markets, Illinois’ open and competitive …

It’s a New Ballgame

You observe a lot by watching – Yogi Berra Back in 1983, the year the first InsuranceTimes rolled off the presses, Jim Rice, Jerry Remy and Dennis Eckersley were among the key players for the Boston Red Sox, a mediocre …

Florida: Land of Opportunity, but for Whom’

Florida has long been considered a land of opportunity for companies seeking to expand into new markets, with its growing population, diverse economy, and expansive geography. The state’s attraction for insurers has increased in recent years due to another key …

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