Parting Shots

The Challenge of Perpetuation

Agency principals are getting younger, but not fast enough. A recent analysis found that of the 2,700 principals in Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) member agencies, 5 percent were under 35. While that doesn’t seem impressive, it is better …

Strengthening Protection for Directors and Officers

Directors and officers liability premiums have risen by 30 percent—and sometimes by as much as 300 percent—in the past two years, following revelations of misdoings at corporations like Enron, Tyco and WorldCom. This rate increase reflects serious consideration by insurance …

The Southern California Firestorms of 2003

The wildfires that raged through San Bernardino and San Diego Counties in October have now been declared the worst fire disaster in the history of the insurance industry. More than 8,000 firefighters battled roaring flames for two weeks. When the …

Strengthening Protection for Directors and Officers

Directors and officers liability premiums have risen by 30 percent—and sometimes by as much as 300 percent—in the past two years, following revelations of misdoings at corporations like Enron, Tyco and WorldCom. This rate increase reflects serious consideration by insurance …

A Halfway Point in the Fight Against Terrorism

Nov. 6 marked an important point in time for America’s property and casualty insurers. It was the halfway point between the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and Dec. 31, 2005, the date that the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) is …

Recognize the Diamonds in Your Own Backyard

Acres of Diamonds,” by Russell H. Conwell, is a story with an ageless moral of a man who dreamed of finding riches and fruitlessly traveled the world for decades in search of a diamond mine. Exhausted, tired, broke and discouraged, …

Recognize the Diamonds in Your Own Backyard

Acres of Diamonds,” by Russell H. Conwell, is a story with an ageless moral of a man who dreamed of finding riches and fruitlessly traveled the world for decades in search of a diamond mine. Exhausted, tired, broke and discouraged, …

Sledgehammers at 40 Paces

You would think that after several centuries in business, insurers would have a better handle on public relations. Apparently they still believe the sledgehammer approach is effective. And then they are surprised when some, most or all members of the …

Sledgehammers at 40 Paces

You would think that after several centuries in business, insurers would have a better handle on public relations. Apparently they still believe the sledgehammer approach is effective. And then they are surprised when some, most or all members of the …

Happy 80th Birthday Insurance Journal

Not many businesses can make the claim, “we’re 80 years old.” Now Insurance Journal can. It’s hard to believe we started in Los Angeles in 1923 as a life insurance magazine. My family came on the scene in 1936 when …

Parting Shots Archives by Month