Parting Shots

Program Administrators Target Specialized Risks

In today’s hard market, the value that a Program Administrator (PA) adds to the insurance transaction becomes especially clear. For the retail agent, they are a resource to be used in the placement of specialized or unique risks. Insurance carriers …

Program Administrators Target Specialized Risks

In today’s hard market, the value that a Program Administrator (PA) adds to the insurance transaction becomes especially clear. For the retail agent, they are a resource to be used in the placement of specialized or unique risks. Insurance carriers …

Open the Black Boxes

One of the most frustrating experiences for any insurance buyer—personal, commercial, or institutional—is to see a sudden, steep rate hike even if you haven’t had a claim in years, if ever. The industry loses credibility with consumers when companies are …

Open the Black Boxes

One of the most frustrating experiences for any insurance buyer—personal, commercial or institutional—is to see a sudden, steep rate hike even if you haven’t had a claim in years, if ever. The industry loses credibility with consumers when companies are …

Addressing Care Costs in California’s WC Market Adds More Questions

In March, Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi announced a seven-point plan for restructuring the California workers’ compensation system. In addition to addressing medical cost containment, the plan includes improving financial oversight; determining a consistent level of permanent disability; improving coordination and …

Control of Medical Costs in Texas Workers’ Comp System is Vital

Texas is a king size state with king size problems regarding medical care costs in its workers’ compensation system. However, Texas’ workers’ compensation system is not alone in facing escalating medical care costs. The growth in overall medical costs is …

Observations from the Storm

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock somewhere for the past year or two, yes, we’re in the midst of a hardening market cycle. After a prolonged soft market period, prices seem to be firming in every segment, with drastic …

Observations From the Storm

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock somewhere for the past year or two, yes, we’re in the midst of a hardening market cycle. After a prolonged soft market period, prices seem to be firming in every segment, with drastic …

The Light at the End of the Tunnel for Medical Malpractice’

Skyrocketing insurance premiums, a dearth of companies writing medical malpractice insurance and doctors suspending their practices in protest are precipitating increased regulatory involvement and tort reform in the medical malpractice industry. According to the American Medical Association, which released a …

The Light at the End of the Tunnel for Medical Malpractice’

Skyrocketing insurance premiums, a dearth of companies writing medical malpractice insurance and doctors suspending their practices in protest are precipitating increased regulatory involvement and tort reform in the medical malpractice industry. According to the American Medical Association, which released a …

Parting Shots Archives by Month