Parting Shots

Terrorism Risk Insurance Program: A Progress Report

With a federal terrorism reinsurance backstop now in place, the industry is faced with implementing the provisions of the legislation in a timely and efficient manner. This has and will continue to require unprecedented cooperation among insurers, the federal government, …

Terrorism Risk Insurance Program: A Progress Report

With a federal terrorism reinsurance backstop now in place, the industry is faced with implementing the provisions of the legislation in a timely and efficient manner. This has and will continue to require unprecedented cooperation among insurers, the federal government …

Workers’ Comp: System Having Negative Impact on Calif.

If you are a commercial insurance broker in California, you know first-hand the frustration and concern of your customers when you offer quotes for workers’ compensation coverage. Average employers with good claims history are seeing 40 to 60 percent increases …

Choice & Competition Form Litmus Test for Reasonable Regulatory Reform

Now that the Texas legislative session is underway and the pre-election rhetoric surrounding insurance reform in Texas has moderated, the stage is set for the legislature to make the tough decisions necessary to resolve the current insurance crisis. Going into …

New Year…New Fraud Scams…New Fraud Solutions

Most people wake up on New Year’s Day and make a resolution: lose weight, exercise more, spend more time doing the things you enjoy. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) woke up on New Year’s Day 2003 with the same …

New Year…New Fraud Scams…New Fraud Solutions

Most people wake up on New Year’s Day and make a resolution: lose weight, exercise more, spend more time doing the things you enjoy. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) woke up on New Year’s Day 2003 with the same …

What Will 2003 Bring for the Industry’

History will always view 2001 by what happened in 100 minutes, changing how we as a society view security and how we as an industry view risk. The year 2002 will be judged by what didn’t happen. The industry responded …

What Will 2003 Bring for the Industry’

History will always view 2001 by what happened in 100 minutes, changing how we as a society view security and how we as an industry view risk. The year 2002 will be judged by what didn’t happen. The industry responded …

Helping Nonprofits through Difficult Times

This year nonprofit acquaintances often have asked me a question for which I have no answer. That is, “Why are commercial insurers non-renewing my nonprofit?” Our experience with nonprofits has been favorable, and it seems ludicrous to see other carriers …

Helping Nonprofits Through Difficult Times

This year nonprofit acquaintances often have asked me a question for which I have no answer. That is, “Why are commercial insurers non-renewing my nonprofit?” Our experience with nonprofits has been favorable, and it seems ludicrous to see other carriers …

Parting Shots Archives by Month