Parting Shots

Your Customers Want You to Succeed

Relationship management certainly isn’t new. Most agencies feel committed to their customers and believe that building and managing relationships is also a great strength of the agency. That said, how many agencies do you know with a well-defined relationship management …

George Hogue: Perfect for the Job

We tried to get George Hogue to come to the IIAT convention in June so we could give him a plaque and a round of applause, but he won’t be there. He made other plans. And besides, he doesn’t like …

Technology: Do Agents Really Need to be Involved’

Today, the independent agency system is faced with new challenges and opportunities, many of which are fostered by the development of new technologies, not the least of which is the growth of eCommerce through the Internet. While much of the …

Technology: Do Agents Really Need to be Involved’

Today, the independent agency system is faced with new challenges and opportunities, many of which are fostered by the development of new technologies, not the least of which is the growth of eCommerce through the Internet. While much of the …

Putting the Brakes on the Red Light Camera Controversy

I must admit that I do some of my best thinking at intersections. One thing that often enters my mind is are we relying too much on machines and gadgets to dictate our day-to-day operations? Try calling most businesses these …

Why Credit-Based Insurance Scoring is Good for Consumers

Credit-based insurance scoring is a reliable, though often misunderstood underwriting tool that helps insurers accurately match the price of their products to the level of risk posed by any given customer. It is nonprejudicial and completely objective in its application. …

Why Credit-Based Insurance Scoring is Good for Consumers

Credit-based insurance scoring is a reliable, though often misunderstood underwriting tool that helps insurers accurately match the price of their products to the level of risk posed by any given customer. It is nonprejudicial and completely objective in its application. …

Terrorism Insurance and Home Security

The issue of whether or not the government should be in the business of providing terrorism insurance is a confusing one. Congress clearly has a problem with it. Although the House passed its version of a bill that would create …

Using Technology and Understanding Technology are 2 Different Things

Have you read an article or brochure lately about insurance technology and came away overwhelmed by the fact that you don’t understand XML, SPX, .NET and SOAP? Don’t let it bother you. As an agent, you should not be expected …

Using Technology and Understanding Technology are 2 Different Things

Have you read an article or brochure lately about insurance technology and came away overwhelmed by the fact that you don’t understand XML, SPX, .NET and SOAP? Don’t let it bother you. As an agent, you should not be expected …

Parting Shots Archives by Month