Parting Shots

The Real Truth About Credit Scoring

The insurance industry would like the public to believe they have found the holy grail of underwriting: credit scores. Since they now have this vehicle to make sure that only good drivers get good rates and bad ones pay more, …

Using Technology and Understanding Technology are 2 Different Things

Have you read an article or brochure lately about insurance technology and came away overwhelmed by the fact that you don’t understand XML, SPX, .NET and SOAP? Don’t let it bother you. As an agent, you should not be expected …

The Real Truth About Credit Scoring

The insurance industry would like the public to believe they have found the holy grail of underwriting: credit scores. Since they now have this vehicle to make sure that only good drivers get good rates and bad ones pay more, …

ASP-hosted Technology-Trend or Fad’

Many vendors now offer agency management systems via ASP (Application Service Provider). The ASP model moves the agency database and management system software from the agency to a data center, and agency personnel access the system through the Internet. As …

ASP-hosted Technology-Trend or Fad’

Many vendors now offer agency management systems via ASP (Application Service Provider). The ASP model moves the agency database and management system software from the agency to a data center, and agency personnel access the system through the Internet. As …

ASP-hosted Technology-Trend or Fad’

Many vendors now offer agency management systems via ASP (Application Service Provider). The ASP model moves the agency database and management system software from the agency to a data center, and agency personnel access the system through the Internet. As …

Parting Shots: Leveraging Consumers’ Desire for Convenience

Imagine positioning your agency as the exclusive provider of all personal lines, to all the employees of your commercial accounts. How the heck do I do that, you ask? By leveraging the consumer desire for convenience into opportunity for your …

Parting Shots: Leveraging Consumers’ Desire

Imagine positioning your agency as the exclusive provider of all personal lines, to all the employees of your commercial accounts. How the heck do I do that, you ask? By leveraging the consumer desire for convenience into opportunity for your …

Cell Phones and Commercial Auto Insurance: Leading by Example

If it seems like you’re seeing more drivers with phones stuck to their ears, it isn’t your imagination. There are more than 88 million cell phone users in this country —40,000 new subscribers every day—and many of them are using …

Cell Phones and Commercial Auto Insurance: Leading by Example

If it seems like you’re seeing more drivers with phones stuck to their ears, it isn’t your imagination. There are more than 88 million cell phone users in this country —40,000 new subscribers every day—and many of them are using …

Parting Shots Archives by Month