Parting Shots

Shh! Don’t Tell Anyone, but E-Insurance is Alive and Well

Progress continues as Internet technologies integrate into sales and service process. Let the critics think that online insurance won’t survive the dot-bomb shakeout. Let them say that consumers aren’t interested in buying insurance online or that nobody’s making money on …

Shh! Don’t Tell Anyone, but E-Insurance is Alive and Well

Let the critics think that online insurance won’t survive the dot-bomb shakeout. Let them say that consumers aren’t interested in buying insurance online or that nobody’s making money on the Internet. The numbers tell a far different story, as does …

6 Common Website Mistakes and How to Fix Them

In an effort to be noticed in today’s crowded online marketplace, insurance marketers make common, yet fatal, mistakes when constructing websites. While adding the bells and whistles may increase the “wow” factor, this approach contributes little, if anything, to the …

Consumer Online Access: Help Your Customers Help You

People used to get into elevators and give the floor number to an attendant. He’d close the outer and inner doors, and pull a lever to take you to your floor. There was a time when you couldn’t telephone anyone …

A Profound Challenge of Many Facets

The search for a metaphor has proved fruitless. How would you begin to describe the huge challenge facing the insurance industry after an event for which any description is inadequate? All the industry has to do, at once and with …

A Profound Challenge of Many Facets

The search for a metaphor has proved fruitless. How would you begin to describe the huge challenge facing the insurance industry after an event for which any description is inadequate? All the industry has to do, at once and with …

Mold: The Next Asbestos’ Maybe, Maybe Not

Some commentators on the mold issue compare it to the situation that insurers continue to face regarding asbestos. But does it have to be that way? While there are striking parallels, there are also significant differences. Perhaps the first thing …

The Role of Reinsurance in the World TradeCenter Attacks

The business of reinsurance is a comparatively small but integral part of the overall insurance industry. Simply defined, reinsurance is transacted on the basis of one insurance company, the “reinsurer,” agreeing to indemnify another insurance company, the “reinsured,” for all …

‘You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby.’

The above phrase, first linked to cigarette ads, could be dismissed as politically incorrect, with its implication that females are inherently childlike. But applied to the experiences of women in insurance as well as any number of professions in the …

Looking Back at the Rise of NAPSLO

NAPSLO, or the National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices, Limited, was organized during the years of 1973, 1974 and 1975. The first meetings were usually held at the same time as the meetings of the National Association of Independent …

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