Parting Shots

Mold: The Next Asbestos’ Maybe, Maybe Not

Some commentators on the mold issue compare it to the situation that insurers continue to face regarding asbestos. But does it have to be that way? While there are striking parallels, there are also significant differences. Perhaps the first thing …

Mold: The Next Asbestos’ Maybe, Maybe Not

Some commentators on the mold issue compare it to the situation that insurers continue to face regarding asbestos. But does it have to be that way? While there are striking parallels, there are also significant differences. Perhaps the first thing …

Guarding Against the Financial Domino Effect

This is a tale of two companies. Both made similar products and sold them to other companies. Both did what companies do: they extended credit to their commercial customers for a period of several weeks and, naturally, expected to be …

5 Steps to Plan and Execute a Direct Marketing Campaign

There are many different ways to market your service, which include all forms of advertising, direct mail, telemarketing, referral programs, sponsorships, and logo/image development. Regardless of the methodology, repetition and persistence will always be key factors. While great commercials and …

5 Steps to Plan and Execute a Direct Marketing Campaign

There are many different ways to market your service, which include all forms of advertising, direct mail, telemarketing, referral programs, sponsorships, and logo/image development. Regardless of the methodology, repetition and persistence will always be key factors. While great commercials and …

Guarding Against the Financial Domino Effect

This is a tale of two companies. Both made similar products and sold them to other companies. Both did what companies do: they extended credit to their commercial customers for a period of several weeks and, naturally, expected to be …

Liquidators Score a Hat Trick

Insurance companies go through life cycles just like everyone else. Birth, life, and ultimately death by absorption or bankruptcy in order to make way for new and more efficient enterprises—but two failures in one month, three in the last four? …

Liquidators Score a Hat Trick: Some lessons are learned as three high-profile insurers fail in as ma

Insurance companies go through life cycles just like everyone else. Birth, life, and ultimately death by absorption or bankruptcy in order to make way for new and more efficient enterprises—but two failures in one month, three in the last four? …

Banning Major Earthquakes-A Savvy, Market-Saving Move

Apparently, we’ve licked that quake insurance problem. Faced with the devastation (property and market) wrought by the Northridge Earthquake and the realization by insurers that the loss models they had carefully constructed were feats of clay, there was only one …

Message to Agents: Be Proactive on Privacy

If you’re like most consumers, you get lots of mail from banks—banks that already call you a customer and those that consider you a prospect. “Hey, for a low rate of 2.9 percent, you can go into even deeper debt …

Parting Shots Archives by Month