Parting Shots

Minnesota’s No-Fault Law to Blame for High Auto Rates

If our product must be purchased, it should be affordable or bad things can happen in the public affairs arena. We’re finding that to be the case in Minnesota. Minnesota is one of the few remaining states that has no-fault …

For Mutuals, SOX Rules Don’t Fit

Crucial differences between public and mutual insurers cause the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies to oppose the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ proposal to embed in state insurance regulation the expensive and burdensome provisions on financial disclosure found in …

For Mutuals, SOX Rules Don’t Fit

Crucial differences between public and mutual insurers cause the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies to oppose the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ proposal to embed in state insurance regulation the expensive and burdensome provisions on financial disclosure found in …

Renew TRIA Now

Mr. President, in 2002 I co-sponsored, and Congress passed, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, commonly referred to as TRIA. This important legislation provided a government backstop for the terrorism insurance market that disappeared after the attacks of September 11. TRIA …

SOX Out of Control:NAMICOpposes Sarbanes-Oxley Extension

Crucial differences between public and mutual insurers cause NAMIC to oppose the NAIC’s proposal to embed in state insurance regulation the expensive and burdensome provisions on financial disclosure found in Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. These provisions, …

Reform, Not Scare Tactics, Needed for Mass. Auto

Over the last month or so there has been a great deal of concern expressed in the Massachusetts agent community regarding the proposed Assigned Risk Plan for private passenger residual market automobile insurance. The implementation of the ARP, to be …

Think Moderation on Loss History Reports Regulation

Homeownership is considered the centerpiece of the American dream. Homeowners insurance enables individuals and families to protect what is likely to be their single largest asset. Before finalizing their purchase, most buyers hire a home inspector to thoroughly check the …

Could Washington Be Listening to Small Business?

There probably are few American small business owners who could correctly identify the federal group whose primary job is to keep the president of the United States updated on the activities of government such as management, spending, interagency cooperation and …

Renew TRIA Now

Mr. President, in 2002 I co-sponsored, and Congress passed, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, commonly referred to as TRIA. This important legislation provided a government backstop for the terrorism insurance market that disappeared after the attacks of September 11. TRIA …

Renew TRIA Now

Mr. President, in 2002 I co-sponsored, and Congress passed, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, commonly referred to as TRIA. This important legislation provided a government backstop for the terrorism insurance market that disappeared after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. …

Parting Shots Archives by Month