Parting Shots

Renew TRIA Now

Mr. President, in 2002 I co-sponsored, and Congress passed, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, commonly referred to as TRIA. This important legislation provided a government backstop for the terrorism insurance market that disappeared after the attacks of September 11. TRIA …

Pet Peeve

I have a bone to pick with the insurance industry. Why is an industry that loses billions on cat losses every year so hot under the collar about dogs? You don’t have to be a poodle to know that with …

Tougher Laws Key in Fight Against Insurance Fraud

How do you convince overworked state prosecutors to chase down often stale-sounding insurance swindles when their case files already are bulging with high-profile crimes such as drugs, robbery and murder? Insurance-fraud laws are great motivators: State prosecutors can convict con …

Could Washington Be Listening to Small Business?

There probably are few American small business owners who could correctly identify the federal group whose primary job is to keep the president of the United States updated on the activities of government such as management, spending, interagency cooperation and …

Tougher Laws Key to Fight Against Insurance Fraud

How do you convince overworked state prosecutors to chase down often stale-sounding insurance swindles when their case files already are bulging with high-profile crimes such as drugs, robbery and murder? Insurance-fraud laws are great motivators: State prosecutors can convict con …

On the Issue of Agent/Broker Compensation & Contingencies

The PIA Western Alliance has always supported vigorous insurance oversight and penalties should be imposed when agents or brokers break the law. As an association we regularly school our members to make sure their practices are in compliance with the …

Keeping Retention Rates High In A Softening Market

The success or failure of any organization can be traced to customer retention. Agents and carriers who retain the most customers have greater long-term success than those who consistently lose clients. While many elements help keep retention rates high, there …

The Facts About Credit Information and Insurance

The use of credit history, one of many underwriting tools, is not a new concept and one that has received strict scrutiny from insurance regulators and consumer advocates around the country. Some insurers have used individual credit histories in underwriting …

Coming Closer to the Day Of Justice For All…

Tom Gallagher held town hall meeting in hurricane-affected areas in Florida to hear from citizens, mainly about insurance-claim woes. Some of the saddest stories I heard were homeowners who claimed their houses were a total loss–but their insurance companies would …

Proposed Legislation Ensures Fairness in Standards Applied to Agents

Texas House Bill 2155 and Senate Bill 236 were recently debated before each chamber’s respective committee. This critical legislation, sponsored by the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas, merits broad support, as it addresses the inequities insurance agents face in defending …

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