Tech Talk

Keeping the creepy crawlies out of your system

For those of you who keep archives of IJ, you’ll notice that almost one year ago (to the day of writing, actually) I wrote a column talking about viruses and worms. Creepy, isn’t it. At the time, I was talking …

So how accessible is your site’

Vic is a computer professional. He makes a good living for his wife and 3-year-old son. They have a nice house in the suburbs and she drives an almost-new Dodge Caravan. Vic uses e-mail, surfs the Web and even dabbles …

If you can’t bring the information to the scanner

If you can’t bring the information to the scanner… Do you remember your college days? Days, not daze. Well, for me, one of the things I remember was research projects and the hassle involved. Once I found all of my …

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