Web Mail

Liberty Mutual/SADD Teen Driving Study Reports Kids Follow Lead of Parents

National • Aug. 10, 2004 Students will emulate parental driving habits, but the focus needs to be on things such as how habits change with conditions, reflecting good judgment. Exceeding the posted speed limit is not in and of itself …

Texas Jury Awards $24.7 Million in Drunk Driving Case

Texas/South Central • Aug. 13, 2004 “How about making the charge to get an MVR (Motor Vehicle Record) reasonable instead of making it a huge profit item for the states? If it only cost $1 to run one instead of …

Insurers Say Charley Not as Devastating as Andrew

National • Aug. 17, 2004 “The magnitude of devastation depends on your location. For those located here who are without homes, power, jobs, and in some cases, loved ones, cannot be equated to anything less than complete devastation. The choice …

ACIC Opposes Credit-Ban Bill

West News • June 17, 2004 It has worked great in New Jersey. This finally has opened the door to New Jersey private passenger auto companies wanting to write business. Politicians need to get out of underwriting. — Bruce Monteith, …

S.C. Homeowners’ Flex Rating Bill Gets House Backing

Southeast News • May 28, 2004 Kudos to Ernie and South Carolina for their progressive thinking. Louisiana passed a 10 percent Flexband for ALL lines last year. Hopefully it will bring carriers back to our State. Congrats to Commisioner Robert …

N.Y. FAIR Plan Operations Suspended; Lawmakers Fail to Pass Legislation

East News • May 16, 2004 Just goes to show you that the elected folks in Albany, N.Y., don’t know what they’re doing by allowing NYPIUA to suspend operations. Now you know NYPIUA will get back operating—they’ve done this five …

Paris Airport Collapse Insurance Recoveries Unclear

International News •June 1, 2004 De Gaulle Airport Collapse—Vive la Stupidité. The punishment fits the crime. The collapse (punishment) is a direct result of the egomania (crime) of its Architect-Designer Paul Andreu. Egomania is not uncommon among architects. Roger Thibert, …

La. Work Comp Bill Would Create ‘Open Season’ on Businesses

Texas/South Central News • May 28, 2004 No, we lawyers just know that the only way to make you “compassionate conservative” business owners and managers treat your employees like human beings is to make it cost you dollars when you …

Spectator Injured by Foul Ball Strikes Out at Fenway

East News •June 10, 2004 It would appear that filing suit has become our pastime of choice. No one wants to take responsibility for their own actions or choices—they’d rather play the “blame-game.” (Suing McDonald’s though still takes the cake.) …

Paris Airport Collapse Insurance Recoveries Unclear

International News • June 1, 2004 Vive la Stupidité. The punishment fits the crime. The collapse (punishment) is a direct result of the egomania (crime) of its architect-designer Paul Andreu. Egomania is not uncommon among architects. Roger Thibert, the French …

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