Thomson Reuters Establishes Connecticut’s First Captive Insurance Co.

August 2, 2012

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy announced today that international media and information company Thomson Reuters has relocated its U.S. insurance subsidiary from Delaware to Connecticut.

The subsidiary, Thomson Reuters Risk Management Inc., is Connecticut’s first captive insurance company.

Gov. Malloy said one main factor that attracted Thomson Reuters to Connecticut was the state’s jobs reform legislation of 2011, which also included revisions to the state’s 2008 captive insurance law.

“Insurance is one of the most significant economic drivers of our state and there is no place better to grow the industry than the Insurance Capital,” Gov. Malloy said.

“The much-needed changes we made to outdated laws have done exactly what we intended – encourage and attract more business and revenue,” according to the governor.

“I am proud to welcome Thomson Reuters Risk Management Inc., and I am confident that because of the environment we have established in Connecticut, more captive insurance companies will put down roots here.”

Thomson Reuters Risk Management Inc. was licensed by the Connecticut Insurance Department on July 31 after a comprehensive financial, actuarial and legal review.

A captive insurance company is wholly owned and controlled by a parent company or association, and operates to insure the parent’s own risks. By self-insuring, companies have greater control over their costs and can tailor their insurance needs to specific risks.

Thomson Reuters Risk Management Inc. insures Thomson Reuters’ workers’ compensation, general liability, auto liability, property, terrorism, errors and omission and personal accident/travel risks in the U.S.

“The governor has made it clear from the start that Connecticut is serious about growing the industry,” Insurance Department Commissioner Thomas Leonardi said.

“Through professional and consistent regulation, the insurance department will make certain that Connecticut-based captives will be noted for their quality and financial stability,” the commissioner added.

In October 2011, Gov. Malloy convened a special legislative “Jobs Session” aimed at creating jobs and strengthening the state’s competitiveness. The result was a major jobs bill that included revisions to the state’s 2008 captive insurance law.

The revisions expanded the types of insurance that captives can transact in the state and established a special regulatory unit at the insurance department to focus on captives.

“We’re very pleased to have formed the first Connecticut captive insurance company,” said Kevan Parekh, treasurer of Thomson Reuters. “Connecticut is a logical place for our captive as we have a significant corporate presence in Stamford.”

Marsh Captive Solutions is Thomson Reuters’ captive manager and advised the firm on its relocation.

“The governor’s vision for restoring our state’s economy through greater opportunities for Connecticut’s hard working businesses is now a reality, one that will be repeated time and again as more captive insurance companies call Connecticut home,” said Thomas Hodson, president of the Connecticut Captive Insurance Association, the state trade organization for captive insurers.

Officials say captives are becoming fast-growing alternatives to the traditional insurance market. They are generally small operations, but can lead to a larger service industry that employs actuaries, auditors, attorneys and financial analysts who specifically tailor their business for captives.

The host state benefits economically from increased premium tax revenue and a potential boost of tourism dollars. Captive insurance companies must hold their annual meetings in the state in which they are based.

More information on forming a captive insurance company in Connecticut can be found at

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