Glass Shops, Agents Set Up Network in Minnesota

April 1, 2004

The National Glass Association announced that the Minnesota Glass Association and the Minnesota Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers Association (MIIAB) have agreed to set up a jointly operated auto glass claims processing network for members of the two groups.

The groups hope to have the program operational by early summer. The network will be comprised of MGA member glass shops and independent agents in MIIAB who wish to participate.

The requirements and contracts will be with the network, a limited liability corporation. MGA will not run the network although its members will belong to the network’s board of directors, as will members of MIIAB.

The program’s formation was motivated by the dissatisfaction with existing claims processing operations. The agents see the new program giving them more direct control over dealing with their clients and guaranteeing their satisfaction with the service, and the glass shops will get work on a fair rotation basis, and pricing is expected to be fairer than is currently available with some of the established networks.

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