Former Financial Services Lobbyist, Pawlenty, to Run for Governor of Minnesota

April 6, 2018

The former head of the Washington-based Financial Services Roundtable (FSR), Tim Pawlenty, has thrown his hat into the ring in a bid to get a previous job back: that of governor of Minnesota.

Pawlenty resigned from his post at the financial services lobbying group in February amid speculation that he would run for the governor’s office in his home state. He previously served as Minnesota’s governor from January 2003 through January 2011.

In a statement on his campaign website, Pawlenty said he would “focus on charting a better way forward for Minnesota families who see health care premiums skyrocketing, paychecks not increasing very fast, college costs and student debt rising — all while government spending and taxes climb through the roof.”

Tim Pawlenty

Stating that the government needs to be more accountable, he said he has “the strength and experience to solve guguberproblems and bring Minnesotans together.”

The FSR advocates for the banking, insurance, asset management, finance and credit card industries. Pawlenty joined the group in 2012 after mounting an unsuccessful bid to become the Republican nominee for president in 2012.

After dropping out of the presidential race, he served as co-chair of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign.

The Washington Post reported that a number of candidates have filed to compete in the Republican primary to be the party’s gubernatorial candidate.

Incumbent Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton is not running for reelection after serving two terms in office. Several candidates have filed to become the Democrat’s candidate for the post, as well.


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