Midwest News

Cancerous Transplant Malpractice Case Revived by Minnesota Court

A malpractice case for a Minnesota woman who died after receiving a transplant of a cancerous pancreas may be headed for a trial. The Minnesota Court of Appeals has ruled the case against Dr. Ty Dunn should head to court …

Indiana Court: US Steel not Responsible for Sleepy Driver’s Crash

The Indiana appeals court has ruled that U.S. Steel isn’t responsible for a crash involving an employee who apparently fell asleep while driving after an 11-hour overnight work shift. The 3-0 appeals court ruling upheld a Lake County judge’s decision …

Drunk Driving Arrests Down 10% in North Dakota in 2014

North Dakota authorities say drunken driving arrests in the state were down nearly 10 percent in 2014. Highway Patrol Sgt. Tom Iverson told KXMB-TV about 1,700 driving under the influence arrests were made statewide last year, about 200 fewer than …

CNA Seeks to Limit Liability in Minnesota Priest Abuse Case

An insurance company has asked a court to limit or eliminate its responsibility to cover some clergy sex abuse claims against the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Last month, the archdiocese sued about 20 insurers in federal court to …

Crash Toll in Nebraska Likely to Hit 5-Year High

Nebraska’s highway safety administrator says the number of people who died in Nebraska crashes in 2014 likely will be the highest number in five years. The Lincoln Journal Star reports that as of the morning of Dec. 31, 2014, 221 …

Unsafe Megabus Stopped, Taken Out of Service in Indiana

A Megabus carrying 67 passengers was taken out of service on Dec. 31 after an Indiana trooper spotted it leaning to one side and an inspection found other problems, state police said. After an officer stopped the double-decker coach for …

North Dakota Officials Reviewing Safety on US Highway 85

North Dakota’s Transportation Department and Highway Patrol say efforts are being made to increase safety on the major north-south artery in the western oil patch. There have been 25 traffic crash fatalities on the U.S. Highway 85 corridor in the …

$7M in Flood Money Being Waited on by Nebraska Cities

Nebraska cities along the Missouri River are still waiting for nearly $7.2 million in reimbursement from state and federal agencies, more than three years after extensive flooding. Five cities have yet to receive payments between $275,000 and nearly $4 million, …

Falling Grain Prices, Record Cattle Prices Mark 2014 For Kansas

Farmers and ranchers across Kansas are wrapping up the 2014 growing season, marked by rapidly changing fortunes that were buffeted by weather and markets. It began with a meager winter wheat harvest before late spring rains eased drought conditions just …

Most Popular Insurance Journal Midwest Stories of 2014

The most popular InsuranceJournal.com news stories in the Midwest ranged from groundbreaking lawsuits to research into making people safer from storms. With an understanding that stories appearing later in the year have less time to rise to the top of …

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