PIA to Hold National Legislative Summit, April 7

February 9, 2005

The National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA National) will hold its annual Federal Legislative Summit on April 7, 2005 in Washington, D.C.

The summit is a one-day legislative gathering of PIA members who spend the day meeting with their elected representatives to advance the views and positions of professional insurance agents.

Among the top issues of concern for agents taking part in the 2005 PIA Federal Legislative Summit are insurance regulatory reform and obtaining an extension of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act.

The 2005 PIA Summit will kick off during the evening of Wednesday, April 6 with an informal, in-depth issue briefing for participants at their hotel headquarters, the Marriott Crystal City in Arlington, Va.

On the morning of April 7, agents will gather on Capitol Hill for breakfast at the Capitol Hill Club.

Speakers at the 2005 PIA event will be announced at a later date. Previous speakers have included Rep. Richard Baker (R-Louisiana), Chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises; Rep. Eric Cantor, (R-Virginia), chief deputy whip of the U.S. House of Representatives; Rep. Sue Kelly (R-New York), vice chairman of the House Committee on Financial Services; Senator Jim Bunning (R-Kentucky), a member of the Senate Banking, Finance and Budget committees; and Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, who was campaign chairman for Bush-Cheney 2004.

“What Congress does or fails to do can have a dramatic impact on local independent insurance agents across the country,” said Jon D. Spalding, chairman of the PIA National Federal Affairs Committee. “But this year, the stakes are even higher. Congress will likely hold hearings on insurance regulatory reform and as we all know, whether or not reforms are positive depends on how those reforms are crafted. There is no better way to forge and maintain relationships with lawmakers than to do it up-close and personal. That’s why it is essential that PIA members have this annual opportunity to visit with their elected representatives in their Capitol Hill offices to make their views known.”

Topics Agencies Legislation

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