D&O Prices Plummeting: Record-Level Q1 Drop for Decade

May 3, 2023

Aon’s Quarterly D&O Pricing Index fell 24.9% to 1.84 in first-quarter 2023 from 2.45 in first-quarter 2022, Aon’s Financial Services Group reported. The pricing index captures the average price per million dollars of D&O coverage, tracking premium changes relative to the base year of 2001.

A graph of the quarterly index figures in the report stretching back to first-quarter 2012, when the index fell 7.0% to 0.9, shows no other year-over-year decline of more than 20%. Second-quarter 2022 came closest at 19.9%, with first-quarter 2022 and third-quarter 2022 both near 15%.

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Before that, you would have to look back to second-quarter 2016 for a similar drop of 16.5%.

Below, Carrier Management compiled a history of Aon’s quarterly year-over-year price change figures for all the first-quarter points shown in the report.

First-quarter changes in Aon’s D&O Pricing Index from 2012-2023

For carriers, the latest drops have not erased extreme price gains ranging from 65% (fourth-quarter 2019) to more than 100% (first-quarter 2020) racked up for several consecutive quarters starting in late 2019.

Aon’s D&O Pricing Index from Q1 2019-Q1 2023

Those price index changes, however, include the impacts of changes in the clients renewing during each quarter and renewal program changes, such as changes in limits purchased.

Offering a more apples-to-apples comparison, the Aon report presents price changes for primary policies renewing with the same limit and deductible. For first-quarter 2023, that refined calculation shows buyers enjoying a 7.9% price drop for the same amount of primary coverage.

D&O primary insurance price changes for policies renewing at same limit and deductible. Year-over-year changes by quarter for successive first-quarters.

There are no prior first-quarter primary price drops of a comparable magnitude dating back to 2012, the first year shown in the graphs included in the Aon report. Just three years ago, in first-quarter 2020, carriers were raising D&O pricing on primary policies by 26.2%.

D&O primary insurance price changes for policies renewing at same limit and deductible. All quarters from Q1 2019-Q1 2023 shown. The Aon report also includes Q1 2012-Q4 2018.

According to the report, 80% of primary policies renewing with the same limit and deductible in first-quarter 2023 experienced a price decrease. Only 9% had a price hike.

More than three-quarters of primary policies—77.5%—renewed with the same limit and deductible, and 94.4% renewed with the same primary carrier. In 2020, when prices soared, only about 50% of buyers renewed at the same limit and deductible.

Source: Aon “Quarterly D&O Pricing Index Report,” Q12023

This article first was published in Insurance Journal’s sister publication, Carrier Management.

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