
Wisconsin Rideshare Bill Would Require $1M Commercial Coverage

Wisconsin lawmakers have introduced a bill that would impose statewide regulations on online ride-sharing companies such as Uber and Lyft. The measure would require companies to apply for a $5,000 state license and carry $1 million in commercial insurance for …

NAIC Adopts Ridesharing White Paper for State Policymakers

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners on Tuesday adopted a white paper on insurance coverage for ridesharing that offers several suggestions for how state regulators should deal with insurance issues. Ridesharing services offered by transportation network companies like Uber, Sidecar …

Reports Advise How to Make Flood Insurance Affordable

A new report suggests the federal flood insurance program may want to target mitigation grants to households with high premiums, urge homeowners to select higher deductibles, expand the educational role of insurance agents, and provide mitigation loans to help make …

Audit: Maryland Misallocated $28.4M for Health Exchange

Maryland misallocated $28.4 million in federal money for its flawed health care exchange and should pay the money back, according to a federal audit released on March 27. The audit marked the first time the inspector general of the Department …

Crystal, AIG Offer Conceptual Art Insurance for Private Clients

Crystal & Co., a strategic risk and insurance advisor, has partnered with AIG Private Client Group, a division of AIG, to create a new insurance product for private clients with conceptual art collections. Conceptual art is focused more on the …

Experts: California Sex Bias Case Will Embolden Women Despite Verdict

Observers say a long legal battle over accusations that a prominent Silicon Valley venture capital firm demeaned women and held them to a different standard than their male colleagues will embolden women in the industry and lead firms to examine …

NFP Acquires Arizona-Based WIS

NFP has acquired Weber’s Insurance Service Inc. and Weber’s Assurance Group LLC in Arizona. The transaction was effective Feb. 18, but terms of the deal were not released. Weber’s Insurance and Weber’s Assurance, known collectively as WIS, is based in …

California Applicants Attorneys Want Action Based on Workers’ Comp Report

The California Applicants’ Attorneys Association on Tuesday called for action from Gov. Jerry Brown on reported delays and denials in the treatment of injured workers. CAAA’s call to action is in response to a series of articles by National Public …

Speed Camera Tickets Bring Nearly $17M in Revenue for NYC

Speed cameras have produced a surge in tickets and generated nearly $17 million in revenue for New York City. The Daily News reports that last year more than 445,000 speed-camera tickets were issued. That’s compared to nearly 118,000 issued manually …

Ex-AG Says Arkansas Religious Protection Bill Would Allow Discrimination

Several dozens of people, including former Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, gathered in Little Rock to show their distaste for a proposed law that critics say would sanction discrimination against gays and lesbians. They oppose the bill prohibiting state and local …

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