
UK’s Miller Appoints Weaver as Head of Asia

Miller Insurance Services LLP, the UK-based specialist insurance and reinsurance broker, has appointed Simon Weaver as Head of Asia as of September 1, 2013 He joins Miller from JLT Asia where he was CEO of JLT Specialty Asia, responsible for …

Geneva Association Ocean Warming Report Reviews Implications for Re/Insurers

“In some high-risk areas, ocean warming and climate change threaten the insurability of catastrophe risk,” according to one of the conclusions of a research report issued today by the Climate Risks and Insurance working group of international insurance think tank, …

Calgary Flood Caused Power Outages May Last Months; Insurance Coverage Minimal

Power outages in the Canadian oil capital of Calgary could last for weeks or even months, city authorities said on Sunday, as record breaking flood waters moved downstream to threaten smaller communities in southeastern Alberta. Even as officials told 65,000 …

Swiss Re to Trim Costs and Buy Credit to Lift Profitability

Swiss Re Ltd., the world’s second- biggest reinsurer, plans to reduce costs and repurchase debt as it seeks to boost profitability and increase its dividend. Swiss Re expects costs savings of as much as $300 million by 2015 to help …

U.S. May Fall Back on Old Farm Law If No Agreement

The U.S. Congress is headed for a second stop-gap extension of current farm law if Republican leaders in the House of Representatives cannot get new legislation back on track after a stunning defeat. Farm lobbyists and analysts on Friday said …

Plaintiffs: BP Acted With Gross Negligence in 2010 Spill

BP Plc and its contractors should be found grossly negligent for their actions in the April 2010 blowout of the Macondo well and the subsequent Gulf of Mexico oil spill, plaintiffs’ lawyers told a judge. U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier …

Group Applauds New York Assembly for Resolution Urging TRIA Extension

An insurance industry association is applauding the New York Assembly for adopting Resolution K611-2013, urging the New York State Congressional delegation to take action as soon as possible to extend the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act. Additionally, the New York …

Virginia SIU Investigator Wins Award for Work on Staged Accident Case

A staged accident investigation in Roanoke, Va., led to an award for a Nationwide Insurance special investigator. Suzy Clingman-Taylor was named Investigator of the Year by the Virginia Chapter of the International Association of Special Investigation Units (VA IASIU) last …

Industry Group Opposes Massachusetts Proposal to Set Auto Labor Rates

The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies is opposing bills currently under consideration in Massachusetts that would require the state to set a minimum hourly labor rate that insurers must pay for auto repairs. In testimony submitted this week to …

Relationships, Expertise Drive Success in Texas E&S Marketplace

During the past 20 to 30 years typical business dealings between wholesale insurance brokers and retail agents have evolved from being purely transactional experiences to those that are highly dependent upon relationships and expertise, according to professionals on both sides …

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