
Ex-Partners Cite Nevada Developer in Funds Lawsuit

Former business partners of Nevada developer and lobbyist Harvey Whittemore have sued him, claiming he misappropriated millions of dollars. In its lawsuit filed last week in Clark County District Court, the Wingfield Nevada Group Holding Co. claims Whittemore used the …

Company Seeks Asbestos Liability Limit in Idaho

A bottle-cap maker weary of paying $700 million in asbestos claims has teamed with a conservative group in a state-by-state trudge to shield itself from forking over even more cash to victims. The lastest battle is unfolding in Idaho. Pennsylvania-based …

Drilling Rights Under Old Bomb Range Go For $137M

ConocoPhillips has tentatively agreed to pay Colorado $137 million for oil and gas underlying the old Lowry bombing range in Arapahoe County. The Denver Post reported that an agreement signed Friday covers 21,048 acres. In addition to the $137 million …

Florida’s FCCI Names Executives for Texas, Maryland Expansion

FCCI Insurance Group has announced it is expanding its commercial insurance offerings into Maryland and Texas. The company has named several executives to serve in a new home office that will oversee operations in those states. In January the Sarasota, …

Peers as Passengers Studies Support Graduated Licenses for Teen Drivers

Two new studies support the efforts of states in imposing restrictions on teen driving. Teens who drive with peers as passengers have increased risks of crashing, previous research has shown. Many states have responded by creating graduated driver licensing laws …

Ex-BP Worker Files Whistleblower Suit Over Cleanup

A former BP employee has filed a whistleblower lawsuit against the company, claiming he was fired for airing concerns about the cleanup of Mississippi’s shoreline after the Gulf oil spill. In a federal suit filed last Friday in New Orleans, …

Flood Damage in 2011 May Make 2012 Worse Along Mississippi River

Damage from last year’s record spring floods could leave many people along the Mississippi River in even more danger this year, the Army Corps of Engineers said. The Corps said it’s assessing the damage to levees, structures and navigation channels, …

China’s Premier Says Government Debt ‘Controllable’; Promises Insurance Reforms

China’s Premier Wen Jiabao said the nation’s government debt is at an “overall safe and controllable” level, that funding for key projects would be ensured and that applying the brakes to the problem would be done in a way to …

Businesses Oppose Proposed Ohio Fraud Legislation

Some Ohio businesses are opposing a bill backed by the attorney general that would create tougher penalties on fraud and give whistle-blowers a slice of the damages or repayments. The proposed legislation, known as the Ohio “false claims act” in …

Mississippi Judge Weighs Government Immunity in Shooting Case

A Hinds County judge will decide if Mississippi governmental agencies are liable for the wounding of a bystander during a 2008 shooting. The Clarion-Ledger reported that Circuit Judge Winston Kidd presided over a four-day trial that ended last week. Kidd …

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