
Florida Gov. Scott Supports Bill Forcing Accident Victims to Emergency Rooms

A bill that would force all accident victims to go to emergency rooms instead of their family doctor, even for minor injuries, cleared a Florida House subcommittee on Wednesday. The bill (HB 119) was approved 10-5 by the Florida House …

Amish Men Not Backing Down in Kentucky Fight Over Buggy Safety

On Jacob Gingerich’s farm in western Kentucky, there is no phone or electricity for his family of 12 children. He even sees putting an orange safety triangle on their black horse-drawn buggy as a violation of the simple and pious …

Tennessee to Study Workers’ Compensation System

Tennessee state officials, business groups, labor leaders and legal experts are lining up to study the state’s workers’ compensation system, although it may be 2013 before any legislative deals are struck. Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam has decided that for now, …

North Carolina Farmers Hurt by Hurricane Irene Eligible for Federal Help

North Carolina farmers hurt by Hurricane Irene last August and by tornadoes in April can now get more help from the federal government with more loan options and payments to recover from crop losses. State officials announced that U.S. Agriculture …

Court Denies Class Action Suit Against American Honda

American Honda Motor Co. won a legal victory as a divided U.S. appeals court on Thursday said a nationwide lawsuit over a brake system used in some Acura RL vehicles should not have been certified as a class-action. The 2-1 …

2012 Off to Bad Weather Start for P/C Insurers

Damaging hailstorms in Australia. Unprecedented tornadoes in the southeastern United States. Constant windstorms in northern Europe. Sound familiar? This year is starting a lot like last year in terms of unexpectedly severe weather, to the consternation of the insurance industry, …

Court: Workers’ Comp Bars Iraq Convoy Drivers’ Suit Against KBR, Halliburton

A federal appeals court on Thursday rejected a lawsuit brought against KBR Inc. and Halliburton Co. by the families of two convoy drivers killed in a 2004 insurgent attack in Iraq. The U.S. Court of Appeal for the 5th Circuit, …

Investors: Private Sector Must Tackle Climate Change

Institutional investors with a collective $26 trillion under management opened a new front Thursday in the fight against climate change, urging the private sector to mobilize, follow the money and find new technologies to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Putting a …

Jones Announces Insurance Diversity Task Force for California

Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones on Thursday announced the formation of an Insurance Diversity Task Force to make recommendations about diversity in the insurance industry, including the diversity of corporate governing boards and procurement from diverse businesses. Task force members will …

Supreme Court Rules Religious Ministers Not Covered by Job Bias Laws

Religious groups and churches may hire and fire their leaders without being subject to laws against discrimination in employment, the U.S. Supreme Court said this week in a unanimous landmark ruling. For the first time, the Supreme Court recognized a …

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