
Government Study: Texting by Drivers Up by Half in 2010

New federal safety data shows texting while driving increased 50 percent last year, despite a rush by states to ban the practice. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration does an annual survey that watches drivers’ behavior at selected intersections. The …

Green Retrofitting Surpasses New Green Construction for First Time

Green retrofitting of commercial buildings is outpacing the construction of new green buildings, according to a new report issued this week. The trend could mean that more building owners may believe that bringing their buildings up to Leadership in Energy …

Connecticut Chiropractor Pleads Guilty in Insurance Scam

A chiropractor has pleaded guilty to bilking insurance companies to treat car accident victims whose injuries were exaggerated. Connecticut Hearst Newspapers and The Hartford Courant report that Marc Kirshner pleaded guilty Wednesday in federal court in Bridgeport to conspiring to …

UK Insurance Association: Solvency II May Help or Hinder EU Growth

Amidst all the turmoil in the euro zone, the implementation of the Solvency II regulations, governing the 27 members of the European Union, including the UK, grinds inexorably forward. It is a fact of life for British insurers, and their …

Willis: Power Market Review – Still No Hard Market, Despite Losses

2011 looks set to be one of the worst years on record for natural catastrophe events; continuing civil unrest roils the Middle East and Europe’s economic crisis shows no signs of abating. All of those conditions should be pointing to …

Europe Moves Ahead with Fiscal Union; UK Isolated

Europe divided on Friday in a historic rift over building a fiscal union to preserve the euro, with a large majority of countries led by Germany and France agreeing to move ahead with a separate treaty, leaving Britain isolated. Twenty-three …

NHL Says Brain Ailment Evidence Is Lacking

National Hockey League Commissioner Gary Bettman says there is not enough data yet to draw conclusions about the link between concussions and a degenerative brain ailment that has been found in four dead ice hockey players. The league wrapped up …

Do Actuarial Models Influence P/C Underwriting Cycle?

Property/casualty insurance is noted for the sharp rise and fall of its rates – the underwriting cycle. As actuaries have developed more sophisticated statistical and computer models to help understand complex insurance problems, what has been their effect on the …

Wishes & Predictions Survey 2012: Participate Now

What do you HOPE will happen in your insurance organization in 2012? Now, what do you THINK will happen? Will the insurance market harden or will prices remain soft? Will your agency or insurance organization perform better in 2012 than …

Fireman’s Fund Bushnell Named to U.S. Green Building Council Board

Steven Bushnell, a senior director at Novato Calif., based-Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co., has been appointed to the U.S. Green Building Council 2012 board of directors. USGBC on Thursday announced the newly elected officers and new directors to its 2012 Board …

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