
Motorists Sue Tennessee City Over Traffic Cameras

Motorists are suing Bluff City for $6 million over its traffic cameras. Chris Cawood and Jonathan Proffitt claim the city and Arizona-based American Traffic Solutions Inc. are conspiring to violate the federal Fair Debt Collections Act, state law and city …

New York Judge: Al-Qaida Owes $9.3 Billion for 9/11 Harm

A magistrate judge in New York has recommended that al-Qaida be assessed $9.3 billion for the damage done to properties and businesses in the Sept. 11 attacks. Federal Magistrate Judge Frank Maas in a ruling Friday, Oct. 14, sent the …

Report on Colorado’s Fourmile Fire: Insurance Losses Exceed $200 Million

A preliminary report on the 2010 Fourmile Canyon wildfire in Boulder County shows insured losses exceeded $200 million, fire management costs will have exceeded $14 million following rehabilitation efforts, and that while fire responders’ efforts were well-executed, the fire spread …

State Farm: Its Conn. Deductible Decision Grounded in Fairness

State Farm Insurance says U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal’s request that the company drop Irene-related hurricane deductibles in Connecticut would actually be unfair to policyholders and introduce all sorts of uncertainty. State Farm — the largest U.S. insurer of homes and …

Louisiana Woman Sues Facebook Over Cookies

A Louisiana woman is suing Facebook over allegations that the social networking site collects and stores users’ Internet browsing history without their permission. Former Louisiana Attorney General Richard Ieyoub filed the federal class-action lawsuit on behalf of Janet Seamon, a …

Homes Abandoned After Ike Remain in Texas City

The modest home on South Clover Street is, quite simply, a wreck. Waist-high ragweed chokes front and back yards. Rusting appliances and toys clutter the carport of the dilapidated structure, topped by a sagging patchwork of missing roofing tiles offering …

IronHealth Introduces Adverse Health Survey Cost Coverage for Nursing Homes

IronHealth, the specialty healthcare unit of Ironshore Inc., has introduced a companion policy for existing insurance clients to complement its suite of professional and general liability coverages for nursing home facilities. IronHealth is offering insurance coverage for reimbursement of expenses …

Report on Destructive Colorado Fourmile Fire Due Out Today

A preliminary report on the Fourmile wildfire in September, 2010, considered one of the most destructive in Colorado history, is due out today. A spokeswoman for Colorado Sen. Mark Udall said he plans to release a report the wildfire last …

Connecticut Regulators to Revise Hurricane Deductible Rules

Connecticut insurance regulators are working on revising hurricane deductible rules in the wake of tropical storm Irene. The insurance department spokesperson told Insurance Journal that the new rules under consideration focus exclusively on wind speeds measured within the state. Whether …

Top 10 Excuses From Drivers Caught Using Phones

The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, a Canadian auto insurer, released last week a list of top excuses from local motorists when they were caught using handheld cellphones while driving. The insurer compiled the information with help from the local …

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