Number of Calif. Workplace Deaths on the Decrease

October 26, 2001

The downward trend continued last year: the number of California workers killed on the job was the lowest since 1992 when the Department of Industrial Relations’ Division of Labor Statistics and Research (DLSR) published its findings in the first U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics nationwide census which compiled comprehensive data on work-related fatalities.

Preliminary figures for 2000, the latest numbers available, show 553 deaths attributed to work-related accidents–the total had been 644 in 1992.

Among the fatalities by event or exposure during 2000 were:

— Transportation accidents, such as collisions between vehicles, worker struck by vehicle or mobile equipment — 230 or 41.6 percent of the total.

— Assaults and violent acts, still the second leading cause of work-related deaths– 112 or 20.3 percent.

— Falls –71 or 12.8 percent.

— Contact with objects and equipment — 69 or 12.5 percent.

–Exposure to harmful substances or environments — 60 or 10.8 percent.

— Fires and explosions — 9 or 1.6 percent.

Workplace fatalities in 2000 by industry sector were: services, such as business services, auto repair services and garages, amusement and recreation services, 18.1 percent; construction and transportation/public utilities, each 17.2 percent; agriculture/forestry/fishing, 14.5 percent; retail trade, 10.8 percent; manufacturing, 7.4 percent; wholesale trade, 3.1 percent; finance/insurance/real estate, 1.4 percent; and mining, .7 percent.

Leading the category of work-related fatalities by occupation in 2000 were operators, fabricators and laborers at 28.4 percent of the total-followed by precision production, craft and repair occupations at 20.8 percent; technical, sales and administrative support occupations at 15.6 percent; and farming, forestry and fishing occupations at 14.3 percent.

The national census of fatal workplace injuries and illnesses identifies, verifies and profiles workplaces of all employees in the private sector, as well as individuals who are self employed, civilian and military government workers. Census sources include Cal/OSHA and federal OSHA reports, law enforcement data, workers’ compensation claims, coroners’ reports and news reports.

The complete DLSR report is posted on the Internet at

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