Professional Claims Services to Handle Claims for New Calif. Workers’ Comp Program

February 19, 2004

Poway, Calif.-based claims administrator Professional Claims Services Inc. will be handling all claims for a new workers’ compensation program being sold in California by Cascade National Insurance Company of Seattle, Washington.

As part of the coordinated effort to provide superior service to Cascade National customers and their injured workers, Professional Claims Services Inc. has created a network of health care professionals and services calculated to help injured workers get back to work promptly so they can experience as little disruption in their lives as possible.

David Churchill, CEO and president of Professional Claims Services Inc., stated: “We are pleased that Cascade National looked at our organization and chose us as the administrator. We are confident we have superior processes in place to effectively handle worker’s compensation for everyone involved. We know our team of professionals and Cascade National’s vision will blend together very nicely to help injured workers. We trust our combined processes will be the standard for the rest of the industry.”

Professional Claims Services Inc. is a provider of insurance related claims services including workers’ compensation administration, property, specialty and auto appraisals and administration, subrogation, and multi-line property/casualty claims services.

Topics California Claims Workers' Compensation

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