Arizona Senate Panel Votes to Bar ‘Wrongful Birth’ Lawsuits

February 9, 2012

A Senate panel voted 3-2 to overturn an Arizona Supreme Court to rule that set a precedent in “wrongful birth” lawsuits.

The panel said doctors and medical professionals can be held liable only for the cost of fixing what they did wrong, and if a mistake results in a child, that’s the financial problem of the parents, the Arizona Daily Sun reported.

An Arizona legislator has introduced a bill barring lawsuits against doctors and others if they fail to provide information about a pregnancy that could have led a decision to have an abortion.

State Sen. Nancy Barto introduced the bill, which bars so-called “wrongful birth” and “wrongful life” medical malpractice lawsuits.

The lawsuits are often sought by parents because a doctor failed to disclose the results of prenatal disease tests or other information that, had the parents known, they would have elected to have an abortion.

If the bill passes, Arizona would join nine other states barring the lawsuits.

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