Get These 8 Best-Selling Insurance Books!

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Price: $159.00
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For a limited time, we are offering eight of our most popular books for one low price, including our brand new book The Inertia of Legacy by Chris Cline. The Inertia of Legacy is your roadmap to build and maintain your legacy. Chris makes the point that our legacy is up to us and we can intentionally create and maintain it.

Get The Inertia of Legacy and these seven other books for immediate download.

From Stone Tablets to Satellites by Barry Rabkin
Workers’ Compensation in 2 Hours by Nancy Germond
Business Income Insurance Demystified by Chris Boggs
Insurance, Risk and Risk Management by Chris Boggs
Property and Casualty Concepts Simplified by Chris Boggs
Professional Lines Insurance: An Oral History by Larry Goanos
D&O 101 by Larry Goanos
The Inertia of Legacy by Chris Cline

These 8 best-selling insurance books are available for right now for digital download for $45.