100-year flood plain News

Iowans Say High Flood insurance Costs Hinder Home Sales

The high price of flood insurance can make it difficult for some Iowa residents to sell their homes. The Quad-City Times reports Duane Randleman has been trying to sell for a year-and-a-half and showed his house to more than 60 …

FM Global Research Chief Shares Flood Preparedness Tips for Biz Owners

The hazard posed by potential flooding is increasingly on the minds of many business owners, said Lou Gritzo, vice president and manager of research at Johnston, R.I.-based business property insurer FM Global. Gritzo recently spoke with Insurance Journal to discuss …

Iowa City Work Prompts Lower Flood Insurance Rates

Property owners in Iowa City’s 100-year flood plain will get a 15 percent discount on their flood insurance premiums because of city efforts on a variety of flood-related projects. Property owners in the flood plain will see the 15 percent …