2013 hurricane forecast News

Weak 2013 Hurricane Season Coming to a Close

The 2013 Atlantic season has delivered the fewest hurricanes since 1982, U.S. forecasters said, despite their predictions in May that it would be a busier than normal year. Forecasters had predicted 13 to 20 named Atlantic storms, seven to 11 …

Quiet 2013 Hurricane Season a ‘Head Scratcher’ for Embarrassed Forecasters

The 2013 Atlantic hurricane season, which forecasters had predicted would be more active than normal, has turned out to be something of a dud so far as an unusual calm hangs over the tropics. As the season heads into the …

NOAA Updates Hurricane Forecast

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on Thursday slightly lowered its forecast for the 2013 Atlantic hurricane season but said it still expected “above normal” storm activity this year. NOAA predicted the six-month season, which began on June 1 …

New York Officials Urge Preparation for Hurricane Season

State officials are urging New York residents to prepare for hurricane season. The season starts June 1 and lasts through November. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said last week there is a 70 percent chance that this year will …

Atlantic Coast Can Expect 3 to 6 Major Hurricanes This Season: NOAA

The government’s weather center is forecasting that this year’s Atlantic hurricane season that begins June 1 will be an active one, perhaps even extremely active, during its six months. Experts at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said there …

Forecaster Gray Sees Active Hurricane Season Ahead

Forecaster William Gray said he expects a very active hurricane season, but he’s not yet giving likely numbers of named storms, hurricanes and major hurricanes. Gray told hundreds of people at the National Hurricane Conference that the first numeric predictions …