2014 Atlantic hurricane season News

Atlantic Hurricane Season Spared All But North Carolina

Sunday marked the end of the 2014 Atlantic hurricane season during which North Carolina was the only state to have a storm hit the mainland. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said the six-month season saw only one hurricane making …

Early Insured Loss Estimates on Hurricane Gonzalo Up to $400M

Early estimates by catastrophe modeling firms indicate insured losses from Hurricane Gonzalo in Bermuda will come in between $200 and $400 million. EQECAT estimates $300 million in insured losses, about the scale caused by Hurricane Fabian in 2003. Both storms …

Bermuda Recovering from Hurricane Gonzalo Property Damage, Power Outages

Hurricane Gonzalo scored a direct hit on Bermuda Friday night into Saturday morning, pummeling the tiny island chain with rain and howling winds that downed trees and knocked out power but spared it catastrophic damage or death. Much of the …

Hurricane Gonzalo Threatens Bermuda With Flooding, Storm Surge

Gonzalo, classified as a major hurricane and bearing down on Bermuda with tree-snapping winds, is forecast to bring flooding and a life-threatening storm surge as it’s projected to be the worst storm to hit the territory since Fabian in 2003. …

Hurricane Gonzalo Bears Down on Bermuda

The last major hurricane to strike land anywhere in the Atlantic basin was Sandy in 2012. That may change tomorrow as Hurricane Gonzalo bears down on Bermuda. Gonzalo again became a Category 4 storm today, the first since 2011, the …

Atlantic Hurricane Season Could Still Surprise

The Atlantic hurricane season isn’t dead yet. As weather-watchers focus on Typhoon Vongfong in the Pacific and Cyclone Hudhud in the Bay of Bengal, a subtropical depression has formed south of Bermuda late last week, prompting a tropical storm watch …

Odile Nears Hurricane Strength in Pacific; Edouard Forming in Atlantic

Tropical Storm Odile may become a hurricane today off Mexico’s Pacific coast, while Tropical Storm Edouard formed in the Atlantic, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. Odile, with top winds of 60 miles (97 kilometers) per hour, is 245 miles …

Turbulent Pacific Hurricane Season Contrasts with Calm Atlantic

For all the Atlantic Ocean’s composure this hurricane season, the eastern Pacific is turbulent after already producing its 15th storm. Tropical Storm Odile formed southwest of Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico, yesterday, almost a full month before its 15th storm formed last …

Atlantic Hurricane Season Peaks with No Named Storms

The statistical peak of the Atlantic hurricane season has arrived and for the first time since 2000 there isn’t a named storm in the basin. While forecasters are watching a pair of potential candidates, neither is likely to grow into …

Ugly Is Beautiful for Hurricane Forecaster

When it comes to Atlantic hurricanes, brief and ugly is beautiful, at least to Phil Klotzbach, lead author of Colorado State University’s seasonal storm forecast. That’s because a ragged-looking tropical system that only lasts a few days is an indication …