2016 catastrophe losses News

Top Florida Stories of 2016: The End of Florida’s Hurricane Drought

In September, Hurricane Hermine broke Florida’s hurricane drought that had lasted since 2005. The category 1 storm hit the Florida Panhandle, bringing significant storm surge to the Tampa Bay area before slowly traveling up the Eastern Seaboard. The storm weakened …

Citizens Assesses Hurricane Response as 2016 Season Comes to a Close

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation expressed satisfaction with its response efforts to the first hurricanes to hit Florida in more than a decade as the end of the 2016 hurricane season officially ended Nov. 30. “Policies and procedures put in place …

Allstate, Esurance Take Hit from Losses in Q3

Catastrophe losses climbed 78 percent for Allstate in its 2016 third quarter, a trend that led to a double-digit drop in net income and higher losses for Esurance, its online auto and home insurance provider. The property/casualty insurance giant reported …