2017 hurricane forecast News

Warm Atlantic Sets Stage for Busy Hurricane Season Peak

Not one, but three potential storms threaten to usher in the busiest phase of the Atlantic hurricane season later this month, courtesy of warm ocean temperatures. The season — which runs from June to November — has already seen above-average …

Updated Atlantic Hurricane Forecast Calls for More Storms as El Nino Fades

Researchers again boosted the number of storms the Atlantic may produce before the hurricane season ends as a missing Pacific El Nino and warm waters present favorable storm conditions. As many as 16 named storms may form in the Atlantic …

NOAA Updates Forecast for Atlantic Hurricane Season, Pacific’s El NIno

The Atlantic hurricane season will likely churn out an above-average 11 to 17 named storms, in part due to fading odds than an El Nino will form in the Pacific. Of storms that emerge during the six-month season that begins …

Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season Starts Off Slowly

The eastern Pacific hurricane season is starting off with a whimper. While one short-lived tropical storm developed off Mexico’s Pacific coast last week, the earliest on record, computer models show another one isn’t likely soon, said Jeff Masters, co-founder of …