2017 hurricane season News

Storm Ophelia Leaves Trail of Destruction in Ireland; Damages Could Reach $1.8B

Irish authorities will begin to clean up and count the cost of the worst storm to hit the country in more than 50 years, after Ophelia left a trail of destruction in its wake. At least three people died in …

Q3 Catastrophe Losses Will Bring Rate Hikes by London Market Insurers: Fitch

Catastrophe losses from the recent U.S. hurricanes and Mexican earthquakes will lead to price rises on London market insurers’ loss-affected lines and could also affect wider market pricing trends, according to Fitch Ratings in a new report. The total industry …

Storm Ophelia Set to Slam Coast of Ireland; Extreme Winds, Flooding Expected

Irish authorities warned some of the worst weather conditions to hit the country in 50 years will endanger lives, as Storm Ophelia’s remnants batter the coast with “extreme” conditions. Met Eireann, the nation’s weather service, extended its most severe warning …

Ireland Readies for Hurricane Ophelia, One of Its Strongest Storms in 50-Plus Years

Ophelia strengthened into a Category 2 hurricane forecast to strike Ireland, where one of the nation’s strongest storms in half a century threatens everything from farms to a golf course owned by the family of U.S. President Donald Trump. Ophelia’s …

Lloyd’s Outlook Is Negative on Hurricane Losses; Ratings Affirmed: S&P

S&P Global Ratings has revised its outlook on the Society of Lloyd’s to negative from stable, while reaffirming the market’s ‘A+’ insurer financial strength and long-term counterparty credit ratings on Lloyd’s. With estimated net losses of £3.3 billion ($4.4 billion) …

Q3 2017 Likely to Be One of Costliest for Natural Disasters: Aon Report

The third quarter of 2017 is likely to break a new record as one of the costliest quarters for natural catastrophes, according to Impact Forecasting, Aon Benfield’s catastrophe model development team. “The month of September was exceptionally busy and marked …

UPDATE 2: Global Re/Insurers Estimate Price Tag of Q3 Hurricanes & Quakes

Losses from Hurricane Maria and other recent 2017 natural catastrophes, including Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, the Mexico City earthquakes and other events, have led global insurers and reinsurers to issue profit warnings. Below are statements from insurers and reinsurers in …

North Carolina’s Outer Banks Reopened as Maria Heads Out to Sea

Maria was finally racing east over the Atlantic on Thursday, giving the United States a rest from the constant threat of tropical weather for more than a month. No injuries have been reported on the U.S. mainland from Maria, which …

RMS Estimates Hurricane Maria’s Insured Losses Will Range Between $15B and $30B

RMS, the Newark, Calif.-based risk modeling and analytics firm, estimated that the insured loss from Hurricane Maria will be between US$15 billion and US$30 billion. This estimate represents the insured losses associated with wind, storm surge and inland flood damage …

Beazley Estimates $150M Earnings Hit From Hurricanes, Earthquakes

Lloyd’s of London insurer Beazley said on Friday it reckoned that its losses from hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria in the Caribbean and southern United States and a series of earthquakes in Mexico would reduce its 2017 earnings by about …