2018 hurricane forecast News

Update: ‘Extremely Dangerous’ Hurricane Florence Prompts Evacuations in Carolinas

Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018, 5:47 am— Florence continued to roll toward the U.S. East Coast, poised to become the strongest hurricane in almost 30 years to hit the Carolinas as more than 1 million people began fleeing a coastline that …

Calm August No Guarantee of Hurricane-Free September

Where are all the big Atlantic storms? A year ago, Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas, kicking off a parade of destructive storms that made 2017 the costliest Atlantic season ever. So far in 2018, the region has been oddly …

NOAA : Fewer Atlantic Storms Now Expected for Rest of Hurricane Season

Conditions in the ocean and the atmosphere are producing a less active Atlantic hurricane season than initially predicted in May. Forecasters with NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center said the likelihood of a below-normal Atlantic hurricane season is now 60 percent, up …

Forecasters Now See Below-Average Activity for Rest of Hurricane Season

Scientists at Colorado State University’s Tropical Meteorology Project have decreased their forecast and now believe that 2018 hurricane season will have below-average activity. According to the forecasters, the tropical and subtropical Atlantic is currently much colder than normal, and the …

Researchers Cool Their 2018 Hurricane Season Forecast

Subtropical Storm Alberto kicked off the Atlantic hurricane season a week early, but don’t take that as a harbinger of terrible weather. In fact, cooler ocean temperatures are already spurring researchers to scale back forecasts for this year. Expect six …

What the Florida Industry Needs to Know for the 2018 Hurricane Season

The 2018 hurricane season is officially underway, even as the dust continues to settle on the 2017 hurricane season — one of the costliest hurricane years on record — that brought devastation to Florida from Hurricane Irma. Meanwhile, the Gulf …

What NOAA Forecasts for 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season

On the heels of the costliest hurricane year on record, the Atlantic is expected to produce five to nine of the mighty storms during the six-month season that starts June 1, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said. A total …

This Just In: Early Forecasts for 2018 Hurricane Season

An early forecast for the 2018 hurricane season calls for a slightly above-average season with 14 named storms, seven hurricanes, and three major hurricanes. Dr. Philip Klotzbach of Colorado State University (CSU), a non-resident scholar for the Insurance Information Institute …