2019 natural catastrophes News

After Australia’s 2019 Floods, Insurers Begin to Bail, Banks Keep Lending

Only a year after losing their homes to floods in parts of Australia’s north eastern coast of Queensland, people are moving into new houses built on or near the same plots. But while banks have been only too willing to …

Europe’s Storm Dragi-Eberhard Cost Insurers €782M (US$882.9M): PERILS

PERILS, the independent Zurich-based organization that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data, disclosed its fourth and final loss estimate of €782 million (US$882.9 million) for Europe’s Extratropical Cyclone “Dragi-Eberhard.” This compares to the previous PERILS’ loss estimate issued on Sept. 9, …

Insured Property Losses from Australia’s Townsville Floods in 2019 Hit A$1.24B: PERILS

PERILS, the independent Zurich-based organization that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data, has disclosed its fourth and final property loss estimate for the flood event which hit northern Queensland, Australia, and in particular the city of Townsville, between Jan. 26 and …

2019 Natural Hazard Report Highlights Long Tail of Financial Recovery

This post is part of a series sponsored by CoreLogic. Preparing for a catastrophe is a science. This science involves models built from data and analytics that can capture the worst-case scenario for businesses and homeowners. Knowing exactly what the …

Natural Catastrophe Losses in 2019 Down 18% from Annual Average: Willis Re Report

Insured losses from major natural catastrophes in 2019 totaled roughly $53.0 billion, about 18% lower than the annual average since 2011, according to a report from Willis Re. This figure compares with Aon’s recently released total of $71 billion for …

Natural Disasters in Past Decade Broke Records for Economic, Insured Losses: Aon

The past decade broke new records in terms of economic damages and insured losses, according to Aon’s latest catastrophe report. The costs to global economies reached US$2.98 trillion between 2010 and 2019, which was US$1.19 trillion higher than 2000-2009, said …

Zurich Sees Hardening Rates, Improving Terms – in Market Not Seen Since 2002

Zurich Insurance Group AG expects to have more power to increase commercial insurance rates than it has seen in almost two decades as a shortage of supply and high natural catastrophe payouts help reverse declining premiums. “The last time this …

Natural Catastrophes Cost $150B in 2019, with Insurers Paying $52B: Munich Re

Natural catastrophes caused overall losses of US$150 billion during 2019, including insured losses of about US$52 billion, which matches the average of the past 30 years, according to Munich Re’s catastrophe update. The reinsurer said the protection gap (the difference …

Australia Breaks Records for High Temperatures, Low Rainfall as Wildfires Keep Raging

As massive wildfires devastate swathes of Australia and supercharge the debate over the impact of climate change, government data show the nation has never suffered a hotter or drier year than 2019. The average temperature last year was about 1.5 …

Australia’s Wildfire Crisis Intensifies as Locals, Tourists Seek Refuge on Beaches

Australia’s wildfire crisis intensified on Tuesday as coastal towns across the southeast caught ablaze, forcing thousands of stranded tourists and locals to seek refuge on beaches. Thick black smoke billowing from infernos in Victoria and New South Wales states turned …