2020 Olympics News

Banning Spectators Is ‘Least Risky’ Option for Tokyo 2020 Games: Medical Experts

TOKYO – Japanese medical experts said on Friday that banning spectators at the Olympics was the least risky option for holding the Games, even as they appeared resigned to the possibility of fans in venues during the COVID-19 pandemic. The …

‘We Cannot Postpone Again,’ Says Tokyo Olympics Games Boss

TOKYO – The head of Japan’s Olympics organizing committee ruled out on Thursday another suspension of the Games, despite deep disquiet at the prospect of thousands of athletes and officials arriving during a fourth wave of COVID-19 infections. Already postponed …

Nurse Shortage Is Latest Obstacle for Tokyo Olympic Games

TOKYO – Some nurses in Japan are incensed at a request from Tokyo Olympic organizers to have 500 of them dispatched to help out with the games. They say they’re already near the breaking point dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. …

Olympic Officials Unveil Rules on Masks, Singing, Transport for COVID-19 Games

Olympic officials on Wednesday unveiled the first of many COVID-19 rules for the Tokyo Games this summer, banning singing and chanting during events and mandating participants to wear masks at “all times” except when eating, sleeping or outdoors. The measures, …

Cost of Postponing Tokyo Olympics Could Reach $2.8 Billion

TOKYO – The cost of the postponement for the Tokyo Olympics could reach about $2.8 billion, according to figures released Friday [Dec. 4] by the Tokyo organizing committee, the Tokyo city government and Japan’s national government. The numbers are in …

Japan to Take Countermeasures to Prevent Cyber Attacks from Derailing Tokyo Games

Japan said on Tuesday it would take countermeasures to ensure next year’s Tokyo Olympics are not derailed by cyber attacks after Britain and the United States accused Russia of orchestrating efforts to disrupt the Games. Olympics organizers reported no significant …

Global Insurers Pulled into Epicenter of COVID-19 Crisis, Firmly in Uncharted Territory

Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal locked in spell-binding battle. Paul McCartney sharing a stage with Kendrick Lamar and Taylor Swift. The long-awaited 32nd Olympic Games. The list of canned crowd-thrillers that were planned for the coming weeks isn’t just bad …

CEO of Tokyo Games Can’t Guarantee Postponed Olympics Will Be Held Even in 2021

As the coronavirus spreads in Japan, the chief executive of the Tokyo Games said Friday [April 10] he can’t guarantee the postponed Olympics will be staged next year – even with the long delay. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe issued …

China’s Factories Hit with 2nd Blow from Coronavirus as External Demand Drops

Since last week, emails from foreign clients have been flooding into export manager Grace Gao’s in-box, asking to delay orders already made, putting goods ready to be shipped on hold until further notice, or asking for payment grace periods of …

AM Best Warns Losses Could Be Big for P/C Insurers Writing Event Cancellation Business

Although event cancellation insurance represents a very small percentage of overall property/casualty premium, the losses for carriers that write this line of business amid the COVID-19 outbreak still could be significant, according to a new AM Best commentary. Losses on …